Modes of operation

The modes of operation determine how the probe reads the log file and the recovery file on startup.

You can run the probe in one of the following modes:

  • Recovery: The probe stores recovery data in a recovery file. When the probe starts, it references the recovery file to determine the point within the log file from which to start reading alarms.

    If a recovery file is not present (for example, when the probe starts for the first time), the probe creates one and sets the current position in the log file; it then reads events as they are received.

    If a recovery file is present, the probe replays the log file from the position set in the recovery file and continues to read the log file as new events are received.

    If the stored file point in the recovery file is not valid (for example, the file has been overwritten or recreated), the probe reads the log file from the start, and adds a new file point to the recovery file.

    To run the probe in recovery mode, set the CleanStart properties to false and specify a recovery file using the RecoveryFile property. The default value for RecoveryFile is /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus/var/glf_java.reco. You must check that this is a valid location before running probe, and update the property value if necessary,

  • Cleanstart: The probe ignores the recovery file as well as any existing file content and starts reading new events created in the log file since the probe started.

    To run the probe in cleanstart mode, set the CleanStart property to true.

If the CleanStart property is set to true, cleanstart mode takes precedence over recovery mode. However, when the probe starts in cleanstart mode, the probe will first change the store pointer in the recovery file specified by the RecoveryFile property to the end of the file, and then will update the pointer when subsequently reading the content of the log file. So if you set the CleanStart property to true, you must still specify a recovery file using the RecoveryFile property.