Data stream capture

The probe can capture the stream of binary data from the TMF814 device and store it in a file. The data can be used for debugging purposes, to develop new features for the probe, or to pass onto other management systems that require the same data.

To capture the data stream in log files, use the following procedure:

  1. Set the value of the StreamCapture property to 1.
  2. Set the value of the StreamCaptureFilePath property to the full path of a directory to hold the files of data.
    • Specify the full path of the directory. For example:


    • You cannot include variables such as $OMNIHOME in the directory path.
    • The directory must exist. The probe does not create the directory if it does not exist.
  3. If the probe is running, restart the probe.

The probe now writes stream data to the specified directory. The probe creates two types of file: one contains resynchronization data and the other contains notification data. The names for these files have the following format:

  • Resynchronization data file:


  • Notification data file:


In both file names timestamp is the time of day when the file was created, in milliseconds and n is a sequence number for the file. The number increases by one for each file that is created.

  • notif-137111893172-0.evtraw

The probe creates a separate file for each event it receives from the endpoint.

Note: Capturing the data stream to a log file generates a lot of data, consuming a lot of disk space and other system resources. So use this feature with caution. As soon as you no longer require the capture of data, set the value of the StreamCapture property to 0 and restart the probe.