Known issues

At the time of release, several known issues were reported that you should be aware of when running the probe.

Using timestamp files

The TimeStampFile property in the host configuration file enables you to specify a file in which the probe can log the timestamp of the last alarm it processed. When the InitialResync property is disabled, and a timestamp file is specified, the alarms received by the probe are filtered according to this timestamp.

The timestamp filter works in the following way. Assume that the probe shuts down and logs timestamp T to the timestamp file. Then the probe starts up again and sets up two timestamp filters, TS1 and TS2. The value of the TS1 filter is equal to the value of the last logged timestamp minus 48 hours (TS1 = T - 48 hours). The value of the TS2 filter is equal to T (TS2 = T).

The purpose of the TS1 filter is to enable alarms up to 48 hours old, that were cleared or updated while the SpectroSERVER was connected to the probe, to be forwarded to the probe. So all alarms created after TS1 are forwarded to the probe. However, the probe only accepts as active those alarms that were created after TS2. The TS2 filter prevents alarms that have already been processed by the probe from being resynchronized.

The issue arises because, although the probe will accept updates to alarms that were created after TS1, it cannot logically accept updates made in the SpectroSERVER to older alarms that it has already filtered out. To avoid this issue, do not use the TimeStampFile property in the host configuration file.

Error using the UpdateEventList command

The UpdateEventList alarmID eventIDList spectrumName CLI command enables you to update the event list of an alarm by specifying the alarm identifier, the event list identifier and the SpectroSERVER host name.

This command feature is currently unavailable because when issued to the SpectroSERVER, the command produces an exception with an error of TYPE_RESTRICTION at the Spectrum API level.

SpectroSERVER automatically disconnecting the probe

When the total time taken by archive manager to retrieve events exceeds the time set in the MAX_EVENT_ID_REQUEST_TIMEOUT field on SpectroSERVER, SpectroSERVER will disconnect the probe, but will not inform the probe that it has been disconnected. The probe will fail to retrieve any further events from SpectroSERVER until you manually restart the probe.