Installing Spectrum utilities
The probe requires access to a number of Java utilities that are supplied with your CA Spectrum installation.
Copy the following files from $SPECROOT/lib to $OMNIHOME/probes/java/nco_p_ca_spectrum_corba:
- cryptoJFIPS.jar
- globalxx.jar
- lm.jar
- sanct6.jar
- ssorbxx.jar
- ssortbutilxx.jar
- utilxx.jar
- utilappxx.jar
- utilnetxx.jar
- utilsrvxx.jar
- vbhelpherxx.jar
- vbjorb.jar
- vbsec.jar
Note: You
will have to create the nco_p_ca_spectrum_corba folder
For probe installations on Linux operating
systems, you must also copy the following files to $OMNIHOME/probes/java/nco_p_ca_spectrum_corba:
- sanct6.jar
- sanctuary.jar