Using the host configuration file

You must configure at least one SpectroSERVER in the host configuration file supplied with the probe.

The host configuration file ca_spectrum_corba_host.xml is an XML file that contains the details of each SpectroSERVER host that you want the probe to monitor. It is installed to the following directory:


Use the HostFile property to specify the path to the host configuration file.

In addition to specifying the details of each SpectroSERVER host, you can also use the host configuration file to specify how the probe handles the alarms it retrieves from each SpectroSERVER. The host configuration properties are XML elements, so they cannot be accessed using the command line interface, but you can edit the file in any text editor. The probe uses the XML schema file ca_spectrum_corba.xsd to validate the host configuration file.

The following table lists the available configuration properties contained in the host configuration file.
Table 1. Host configuration file properties



<SpectroServer Name="" FQDN="" IP="">



Use this property to specify the name, FQDN, and IP address of the SpectroSERVER host machine.

Note: You must specify both the Name and the Domain value in lowercase.

<ModelAttributes Value="" />

Use this property to specify a comma-separated list of model attributes that the probe should extract in addition to the default attributes.

You can specify alarm attributes by their identifiers (base 10 or base 16) or by their unique canonical names as specified by the CA Spectrum type catalog.

Retrieved attributes become tokens that are available to the rules file using their canonical names. The following example creates the tokens $Security_String and $Notes:

<ModelAttributes Value="0x10009, 0x11564" />

You can specify a maximum of one ModelAttributes property for each SpectroSERVER.

<AlarmAttributes Value="" />

Use this property to specify a comma-separated list of alarm attributes that the probe should extract in addition to the default attributes.

You can specify alarm attributes by their identifiers (base 10 or base 16) or by their unique canonical names as specified by the CA Spectrum type catalog.

Retrieved attributes become tokens that are available to the rules file using their canonical names. The following example creates the tokens $Cleared_By_User_Name and $Occurrences:

<AlarmAttributes Value= "Cleared_By_User_Name, 0x11fc5"/>

You can specify a maximum of one AlarmAttributes property for each SpectroSERVER.

<TimeStampFile Value="" />

Use this property to specify the location of the file in which the probe stores the timestamp of the last alarm it processed.

For example:

<TimeStampFile Value="/opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool81/probes/solaris2/server2.timestamp" />

You can specify a maximum of one TimeStampFile property for each SpectroSERVER.

<FetchEventFormatFields Value="false" />

Use this property to specify whether the probe retrieves the event data fields attached to an alarm and makes them available to the rules file This property takes the following values:

true: The probe retrieves the event data fields.

false: The probe does not retrieve the event data fields.

The default is false.

Retrieved fields are made available to the rules file as tokens in the format $Event_NAME, where NAME is the canonical name of the attribute in the CA Spectrum type catalog. If an attribute has no entry in the type catalog, NAME is given as its identifier in hexadecimal format.

You can specify a maximum of one FetchEventFormatFields property for each SpectroSERVER.

<FetchEventString Value="false" />

Use this property to specify whether the probe creates event messages using the originating event field data attached to an alarm. This property takes the following values:

true: The probe creates event messages.

false: The probe does not creates event messages.

The default is false.

The event message is made available to the rules file as the token $Event_Format_String.

This property requires that the FetchEventFormatFields property is set to true and that the EventFormatFile property contains a valid directory path.

You can specify a maximum of one FetchEventString property for each SpectroSERVER.

<EventFormatFile Value="" />

Use this property to specify the local directory where the event format file that contains event data is located.

The default event format file is typically located in the $SPECROOT/SG-Support/CsEvFormat directory (where $SPECROOT is the directory where CA Spectrum is installed).

Custom event format files are typically located in the $SPECROOT/custom/Events/CsEvFormat directory.

These event format files must be locally available on the host where the probe is installed. If the probe is running on a different host than CA Spectrum, you must copy the event format files to the host where the probe is installed. EventFormatFile should contain the directory path where all these event format files are kept.

You can specify several instances of the EventFormatFile property for each SpectroSERVER. The probe reads each property in turn until it finds a match, so the order in which they are listed is important if you have duplicate event format files.

<FormatFileSuffix Value=""/>

Use this property to append locale information to an event.

This property sets expected postfix appended to the name of Event File's in SpectroSERVER. Starting from Spectrum 9.3, event format files names in $SPECROOT/SG-SUPPORT/CsEvFormat are appended with locale information.

For example:

Event01169988 changes to Event01169988_en_US

<ProbCauseLookupFile Value="" />

Use this property to specify the location of the probable cause lookup file.

For example:

<ProbCauseLookupFile Value="/opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool81/probes/solaris2/server1.lookup"/>

You can specify a maximum of one ProbCauseLookupFile property for each SpectroSERVER.

You can generate probable cause lookup files using the script supplied with the probe. For more information, see Using lookup tables.

<ResyncInterval Value="86400" />

Use this property to specify the time interval (in seconds) at which the probe performs automatic resynchronizations.

The default is 86400 seconds (24 hours).

You can specify a maximum of one ResyncInterval property for each SpectroSERVER.

<ResyncSQLCmd Value= "" />

Use this property to specify an SQL command to update the ObjectServer during a resynchronization.

The default is UPDATE alerts.status SET Severity = 0 WHERE LastOccurrence &lt;= %ResyncTime AND Node = %SpectroServerName AND AlertKey NOT IN (%AlarmID_List)

You can specify a maximum of one ResyncSQLCmd property for each SpectroSERVER.

For more information about this command, see Resynchronization.

Note: The less-than sign (<) is a reserved character in XML. When used in values for this property, it must be replaced by the character entity &lt;. For example, in the SQL statement above, LastOccurrence &lt;= %ResyncTime represents LastOccurrence <= %ResyncTime. The XML character entity for the greater-than sign (>) is &gt;.

Example 1

The following example of a host configuration file configures two SpectroSERVERs for use with the probe. Alarms are handled according to the default settings on the SpectroSERVER hosts.

<SpectroServer Name="server1" FQDN="domain1" IP="" />

<SpectroServer Name="server2" FQDN="domain2" IP="" />

Example 2

The following example of a host configuration file configures two SpectroSERVERs and some of the alarm attributes.

<SpectroServer Name="server1" FQDN="domain1" IP="">
	<ModelAttributes Value="0x10009,0x11564,0x23000e" />
  <AlarmAttributes Value="0x11f9b,0x002305b8" />
  <TimeStampFile Value="/opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool81/probes/
solaris2/server1.timestamp" />
  <FetchEventFormatFields Value="true" />
  <FetchEventString Value="true" />
  <EventFormatFile Value="/usr/SPECTRUM/SG-Support/CsEvFormat" />
  <EventFormatFile Value="/usr/SPECTRUM/custom/CsEvFormat" />
  <ProbCauseLookupFile Value="/opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool81/probes/
solaris2/server1.lookup" />
  <ResyncInterval Value="86400" />
  <ResyncSQLCmd Value="UPDATE alerts.status SET Severity =0 WHERE 
                           LastOccurrence &lt;= %ResyncTime AND 
                           Node = %SpectroServerName AND
                           AlertKey NOT IN (%AlarmID_List)" />

<SpectroServer Name="server2" FQDN="domain2" IP="">
      <ModelAttributes Value="0x10009,0x11564,0x23000e" />
      <TimeStampFile Value="/opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool81/probes/
      <ProbCauseLookupFile Value="/opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool81/
      <ResyncInterval Value="86400" />
      <ResyncSQLCmd Value="UPDATE alerts.status SET Severity =
                           LastOccurrence &lt;= %ResyncTime AND 
                           Node = %SpectroServerName AND
                           AlertKey NOT IN (%AlarmID_List)" />