Properties and command line options
You use properties to specify how the probe interacts with the device. You can override the default values by using the properties file or the command line options.
The following table describes the properties and command line options specific to this probe. For more information about generic Netcool/OMNIbus properties and command line options, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe and Gateway Guide.
Property name |
Command line option |
Description |
AllAlarmsOnReStart integer |
-allalarmsonrestart integer |
Use this property to specify whether the probe retrieves all active alarms when it connects or only those that have been created since the last connection. This property takes the following values: 0: The probe only retrieves alarms generated since the last connection. 1: The probe retrieves all active alarms; no alarm filter is applied by the probe. The default is 0. |
CommandPort integer |
-commandport integer |
Use this property to specify the port through which you will send commands using the CLI. The default is 7777. Note: The CA Spectrum CLI
also uses port number 7777. You must change one of
these port numbers to ensure that each CLI is using a unique port.
CommandPortLimit integer |
-commandportlimit integer |
Use this property to specify the maximum number of Telnet connections that the probe can make using the command port. The default is 10. |
EventExtraction string |
-eventextraction string |
Use this property to specify which method the probe uses to extract details of the events attached to an alarm. This property takes the following values: AM: The probe makes an additional call to Archive Manager (AM) to retrieve details of one or more events that raised the alarm. OE: The probe extracts from the alarm details of the originating event that raised the alarm from the OriginatingEvent (OE) byte stream, and so does not make an additional call to Archive Manager. The default is AM. Note: When the probe is connected
to the secondary SpectroSERVER, it will always use the OE method to
extract details of events attached to an alarm regardless of setting
of the EventExtraction property.
EventRetry integer |
-eventretry integer |
Use this property to specify how many times the probe attempts to extract from the Archive Manager the event details associated with an alarm event before moving on to the next alarm. The maximum that you can set this property to is 5. If you set this property to 0, the probe will not retry the event details extraction. The default is 3. Note: If
you set this property to a value other than between 0 and 5,
the probe will use the default value of 3.
EventRetryTimeout integer |
-eventretrytimeout integer |
Use this property to specify the time (in seconds) that probe waits to receive from the Archive Manager the event details associated with an alarm. If this time is exceeded, the probe retries the event extraction request. The number of times that the probe retries the event extraction is specified by the EventRetry property. The
maximum that you can set this property to is 5 seconds. If you set
this property to The default is 3. Note: If
you set this property to a value other than between 0 and 5,
the probe will use the default value of 3.
FlushBufferInterval integer |
-flushbufferinterval integer |
Use this property to specify how often (in seconds) the probe flushes all alerts in the buffer to the ObjectServer. The default is 0 (the probe does not flush alerts to the ObjectServer). |
HostFile string |
-hostfile string |
Use this property to specify the location of the host configuration file spectrum_corba_v9_host.xml. The default is "". |
MaxSpectrumSeverity integer |
-maxspectrumseverity integer |
Use this property to specify the maximum severity level above which the probe will not retrieve alarms. The default is 6 (CA Spectrum severity Initial). |
MinSpectrumSeverity integer |
-minspectrumseverity integer |
Use this property to specify the minimum severity level below which the probe will not retrieve alarms. The default is 0 (CA Spectrum severity Normal). |
ORBLocalHost string |
-orblocalhost string |
Use this property to specify the local host name or IP address used by the server-side ORB to place the server's host name or IP address into the IOR of a remote object. The default is "". |
ORBLocalPort string |
-orblocalport string |
Use this property to specify the local port to which the Object Request Broker (ORB) listens for connections from the probe. The default is 0 (the ORB selects an available port at random). |
OS.Host string |
-oshost string |
Use this property to specify the host name of the ObjectServer to which the probe connects during resynchronization operations. The default is localhost. |
OS.Password string |
-ospassword string |
Use this property to specify the password of the ObjectServer to which the probe connects during resynchronization operations. The default is "". Use the nco_g_crypt utility supplied with Netcool/OMNIbus to encrypt the password. . For information about using this utility, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Administration Guide (SC14-7605). |
OS.Port integer |
-osport integer |
Use this property to specify the port number of the ObjectServer to which the probe connects during resynchronization operations. The default is 4100. |
OS.UserName string |
-osusername string |
Use this property to specify the user name used to connect to the ObjectServer during resynchronization operations. The default is root. |
ResyncOnFailover integer |
-resynconfailover integer |
Use this property to specify whether the probe performs a resynchronization during the SpectroSERVER failover process. This property takes the following values: 1: The probe performs a resynchronization. 0: The probe does not perform a resynchronization. The default is 0. |
ResyncPrimaryOnly integer |
-resyncprimaryonly integer |
Use this property to make the probe resynchronize with the primary SpectroSERVER only during the SpectroSERVER failover process. This property takes the following values: 1: The probe performs a resynchronization with the primary SpectroSERVER only. 0: The probe resynchronizes with either SpectroSERVER. The default is 1. |
ResyncThreadMax integer |
-resyncthreadmax integer |
Use this property to specify the maximum number of threads that the probe spawns to perform a resynchronization. Specify a value of 0 to allow the probe to use an unlimited number of threads. The default is 5. |
Retry integer |
-retry integer |
Use this property to specify whether the probe attempts to reconnect to a SpectroSERVER after losing the connection. This property takes the following values: 1: The probe attempts to reconnect with the SpectroSERVER at intervals specified by the RetryInterval property. 0: The probe does not attempt to reconnect. There are two scenarios
of retry:
The default is 1. |
RetryInterval integer |
-retryinterval integer |
Use this property to define the length of retry interval (in seconds) for reconnecting to the SpectroSERVER after being disconnected. The default is 30. |
SpectroServer PollInterval integer |
-spectroserver pollinterval integer |
Use this property to specify the interval (in seconds) at which the probe polls the CORBA services to check their availability. The default is 20 seconds. |