Installing Spectrum utilities

The probe requires access to a number of Java utilities that are supplied with your CA Spectrum installation.

Copy the following files from $SPECROOT/lib to $OMNIHOME/probes/java/nco_p_spectrum_corba_v9/:
  • jsafeJCEFIPS.jar
  • global9x.jar
  • lm.jar
  • ssorb9x.jar
  • ssorbutil9x.jar
  • util9x.jar
  • utilapp9x.jar
  • utilnet9x.jar
  • utilsrv9x.jar
  • vbhelper9x.jar
  • vbjorb.jar
  • vbsec.jar
where $SPECROOT is the directory where CA Spectrum is installed and 9x is the version of CA Spectrum that you are running.
Note: You will have to create the nco_p_spectrum_corba_v9 folder manually.
For probe installations on Linux operating systems, you must also copy the following files to $OMNIHOME/probes/java/nco_p_spectrum_corba_v9/:
  • sanct6.jar
  • sanctuary.jar