
The probe breaks event data down into tokens and parses them into elements. Elements are used to assign values to ObjectServer fields; the field values contain the event details in a form that the ObjectServer understands.

During installation of the probe, several rules files are installed in addition to the main message_bus.rules file. These files contain default rules for specific event sources that can be included in the main rules file. The following table lists these files and the format of their event sources.
Table 1. Additional rules files
Rules file Event source format

Common Base Event (CBE)




WebSphere® Business Event (WBE)


WSDM Event Format (WEF)

The probe can create different elements based on the XSLT file of an event source. The following table describes the elements that the probe generates. Not all the elements described are generated for each event. The elements that the probe generates depend on the event type.

Table 2. Elements

Element name

Element description


This element indicates whether the alert has been acknowledged. Alerts can be acknowledged manually by a network operator or automatically by a correlation or workflow process.


This element displays the agent information.


This element shows the descriptive name of the type of failure indicated by the alert.


This element displays the descriptive key that indicates the managed object instance referenced by the alert.


This element identifies the class of the XML event source from which the alert was generated. The $Class controls the applicability of context-sensitive event list tools.


This element displays the name of the customer affected by this alert.


This element displays the ID of the event.


This element contains the number of seconds from the time an alert was last received by the ObjectServer (stored by the LastOccurence field) until it is cleared automatically. This element is used by the Netcool/OMNIbus Expire automation.


This element displays the extended attribute type of the managed entity. The probe groups the respective elements based on their parent-child relation; and then sorts all the elements in the parent and child sections by their associated values.


This element contains the time in seconds (from midnight Jan 1, 1970) when this alert was created or when polling started at the probe.


This element indicates whether the option to make the event list flash is enabled.


This element indicates the escalation status for the alert.


This element contains the identifier information of the alert.


This element displays the time when the alert was at the ObjectServer.


This element contains the time when this alert was last updated at the probe.


This element displays the alias of the network entity indicated by the alert. For network devices or hosts, this is the logical (layer-3) address of the entity, or another logical address that enables direct communication with the XML event source. Use it in managed object instance identification.


This element displays the primary object referenced by the alert.


This element displays an object that is equivalent to the primary object referenced in the alarm. Use it in managed object instance identification.


This element displays the secondary object referenced by the alert.


This element displays the type of the cause that triggered the alert.


This element shows the populated details of the alert.


This element displays the serial number of a suppressed alert.


This element identifies the managed entity from which the alert originated.


This element displays the alias of the node. For network devices or hosts, this should be the logical (layer-3) address of the entity. For IP devices or hosts, this should be the IP address.


This element displays the group identifier of the group that is assigned to handle this alert. The default is 0, which is the identifier for the public group.


This element shows the identifier of the user who is assigned to handle this alert. The default is 65534, which is the identifier for the nobody user.


This element displays the card name or description indicated by the alert.


This element displays the port number indicated by the alert.


This element displays the slot number indicated by the alert.


This element displays the time (in seconds) the probe has polled for the alert.


This element indicates whether the alert should be processed by Netcool/OMNIbus.


This element displays the network address of the remote network entity. Use it in managed object instance identification.


This element displays the primary object of a remote network entity referenced by an alarm. Use it in managed object instance identification.


This element displays an object that is equivalent to the remote entity's primary object referenced in the alarm. Use it in managed object instance identification.


This element displays the secondary object of a remote network entity referenced by an alarm. Use it in managed object instance identification.


This element indicates whether the current event was received by the probe during resynchronization of active alarms with the target system.


This element displays the name of the originating ObjectServer. The Gateway for Message Bus uses it to control propagation of alerts between ObjectServers..


This element displays the serial number of the alert on the originating ObjectServer.


This element displays the name of the service affected by this alert.


This element indicates the severity level of the alert. It provides an indication of how the perceived capability of the managed object has been affected. The color of the alert in the event list is controlled by the severity value.


This element indicates the state change of the alert. It is an automatically maintained ObjectServer timestamp of the last insert or update of the alert from any XML event source.


This element contains the summary information on the cause of the alert.


This element displays the suppression level manually selected by operators from the event list.


This element shows the number of times that the alert has occurred.


This element indicates whether an operator has added the alert to the Task List.


This element identifies the alert type.


This element displays an optional URL, which provides a link to additional information in the XML event source.


This element displays a listing of all notifications with which this notification is correlated.


This element indicates the alert type.


This element the indicates probable cause of the alert.


This element indicates the probable cause of the alert.