Enabling automatic acknowledgement of events

To enable automatic acknowledgement of events, you must install the acknowledgement scripts, specify the hostname for the external procedures file and specify the Telnet support script for each platform.

Installing the acknowledgement scripts on windows

To install the acknowledgement scripts, use the following steps:
  1. Use this command to install each script:

    %NCHOME%\bin\redist\isql.exe -U username -P password -S server_name -i script_name

    Where username is the OMNIbus user name, password is the OMNIbus password, server_name is the name of the ObjectServer, and script_name is the name of the script you want to install.
    Note: The update_scom_windows.sql script must be installed before the auto_acknowledge_trigger_windows.sql script.
    For example:
    • %NCHOME%\bin\redist\isql.exe -U root -P "" -S NCOMS -i update_scom_windows.sql
    • %NCHOME%\bin\redist\isql.exe -U root -P "" -S NCOMS -i auto_acknowledge_trigger_windows.sql
  2. Use the following command to register the netcool_tivoli_socket.dll library with the operating system:

    %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\regsvr32 %OMNIHOME%\probes\win32\netcool_tivoli_socket.dll

  3. Specify the hostname of the machine on which the external procedures file is located.
    Note: This must be the same machine on which you are running the probe.
    The script contains the following property.
    • HOST 'host_name'
    Where host_name is the system where the file is located, and must be set to enable the script to automatically send events to Microsoft SCOM 2012. To set this property, use the following steps:
    1. Open the update_scom_windows.sql. The default location is %OMNIHOME%\probes\win32\
    2. Set the 'host_name' variable to the system on which the file is located. For example, HOST 'nc2000.ibm.com'

Installing the acknowledgement scripts on UNIX

Note: As the Probe for Microsoft SCOM 2012 is not supported in a UNIX environment, you must copy the required scripts from the default installation folder to $OMNIHOME/probes/arch where arch is the name of the operating system.
To install the update_scom_unix.sql and auto_acknowledge_trigger_unix.sql scripts on a UNIX operating system use the following steps.
  1. Copy these scripts to $OMNIHOME/probes/arch
  2. Use these commands to install each scripts.

    cat $OMNIHOME/probes/arch/script_name | $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_sql -user username -password password -server server_name

    Where arch is the operating system, username is the OMNIbus user name, server_name is the name of the ObjectServer, password is the OMNIbus password and script_name is the name of the script you want to install.
    Note: The update_scom_windows.sql script must be installed before the auto_acknowledge_trigger_windows.sql script.
    For example:
    • cat $OMNIHOME/probes/solaris2/update_scom_unix.sql | $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_sql -user root -password "" -server NCOMS
    • cat $OMNIHOME/probes/solaris2/auto_acknowledge_trigger_unix.sql | $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_sql -user root -password "" -server NCOMS
  3. Specify the hostname of the machine where the external procedures file is located (update_scom.sql)
    Note: This is usually the same machine on which you are running the probe.
  4. Specify the hostname of the machine on which the external procedures file is located.
    Note: This must be the same machine on which you are running the probe.
    The script contains the following property.
    • HOST 'host_name'
    where host_name is the system where the file is located, and must be set to enable the script to automatically send events to Microsoft SCOM 2012. To set this property use the following steps.
    1. Open the update_scom_unix.sql file. The file should be copied to %OMNIHOME%\probes\arch\
    2. Set the 'host_name' variable to the system on which the file is located. For example, HOST 'nc2000.ibm.com'
Note: There are a number of common issues which can cause problems when configuring automatic event acknowledgement. For more information, see Known issues with automatic event acknowledgement.