Known Issues with the Probe for Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM 3GPP v8

This section contains the known issues that may occur while using the Probe for Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM 3GPP v8:

If the Netcool system clock and the SAM system clock are not synchronized, some events may be dropped

If the clock on the Netcool system and the clock on the SAM system are not synchronized, when a clear event does not hold the timestamp of when the alarm was cleared, and the alarm is sent to the ObjectServer with a timestamp of "now" (referring to the current time on the Netcool system) there is the possibility that this timestamp will be older than the timestamp of the original alarm (on the SAM system). If the time stamp is older it will be dropped by the deduplication trigger.

In this instance, both clocks should be synchronized, or the deduplication trigger should be disabled.
Note: Disabling the deduplication trigger may cause other performance issues.