Online starter installation of IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps (CLI)
If you are a trial user of IBM Cloud Pak® for AIOps, or you want a proof-of-concept deployment that does not require a sustained workload, consider a starter installation to get a smaller, nonproduction deployment up and running quickly.
If you are installing on Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Red Hat® OpenShift® on IBM Cloud® service (ROKS), or Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA), then review the information in Installing on cloud platforms.
If you require a production-grade deployment, or an offline air-gapped deployment, see Installing IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps.
Before you begin
- You must know whether you are deploying a base deployment or a extended deployment of IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps. For more information, see Incremental adoption.
- Review the Planning section, and ensure that your cluster meets the system requirements for a starter deployment.
- Online installations of IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps can be run entirely as a non-root user, and do not require that user to have sudo access.
- Ensure that you are logged in to your Red Hat OpenShift cluster with
oc login
for any steps that use the Red Hat OpenShift command-line interface (CLI). - If you require details about the permissions that the IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps operators need, see Permissions (IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps).
- A user with
privileges is needed for the following operations:
- After installation, you cannot increase the size of your IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps deployment from a starter deployment to a larger production deployment.
- High availability is not supported for starter deployments.
- This starter installation uses the
installation mode, which is the recommended installation mode for IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps, to provide better resilience and performance. For more information, see Operator installation mode.
Allow access to the following sites and ports:
Site | Description |
---|---| |
Allow access to these hosts on port 443 to enable access to the IBM Cloud Container Registry and IBM Cloud Pak® foundational services catalog source. | |
If you are located in China, also allow access to these hosts on port 443. | |
Github houses IBM Cloud Pak tools and scripts. | |
Red Hat OpenShift registries that are required for Red Hat OpenShift, and for Red Hat OpenShift upgrades. |
For more information, see Configuring your firewall for OpenShift Container Platform.
1. Install and configure Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps requires Red Hat OpenShift to be installed and running. You must have administrative access to your Red Hat OpenShift cluster.
For more information about the supported versions of Red Hat OpenShift, see Supported Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform versions.
Install Red Hat OpenShift by using the instructions in the Red Hat OpenShift documentation
Install the Red Hat OpenShift (
) command-line interface (CLI) on your cluster's boot node and runoc login
. For more information, see Getting started with the Red Hat OpenShift CLI.
Ensure that the clocks on your Red Hat OpenShift cluster are synchronized. Each Red Hat OpenShift node in the cluster must have access to an NTP server. Red Hat OpenShift nodes use NTP to synchronize their clocks. IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps runs on Red Hat OpenShift and also has this requirement. Discrepancies between the clocks on the Red Hat OpenShift nodes can cause IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps to experience operational issues. See the Red Hat OpenShift documentation
for information about how to use a
custom resource to configure chrony to connect to your NTP servers. -
Optionally configure a custom certificate for IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps to use. You can use either of the following methods:
- Configure a custom certificate for the Red Hat OpenShift cluster. Follow the instructions in the Red Hat OpenShift documentation Replacing the default ingress certificate. Then, deploy the signing CA certificate into the cluster by following the instructions in the Red Hat OpenShift documentation Replacing the CA Bundle certificate.
- If you would like to use a custom certificate for IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps only, then after installation is complete follow the instructions in Using a custom certificate.
2. Configure storage
Configure your own storage for use with IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps. For more information, see Storage.
3. Create a custom project (namespace)
Create a project (namespace) called cp4aiops
for your IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps deployment, by running the following command:
oc create namespace cp4aiops
4. Create an OperatorGroup in your custom project (namespace)
Create the Operator group by running the following command:
cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
kind: OperatorGroup
name: cp4aiops-operator-group
namespace: cp4aiops
- cp4aiops
5. Create the entitlement key pull secret
Log in to MyIBM Container Software Library
with the IBMid and password details that are associated with the entitled software.
In the Entitlement keys section, select Copy to copy your entitlement key to the clipboard.
From the Red Hat OpenShift CLI, run the following command:
oc create secret docker-registry ibm-entitlement-key \ --docker-username=cp \ --docker-password=<entitlement-key> \ \ --namespace=cp4aiops
is the entitlement key that you copied in the previous step.
6. Configure usage data collection
To help the development of IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps, daily aggregated usage data is collected to analyse how IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps is used. The usage data is collected by the cp4waiops-metricsprocessor
pod, and is sent to and stored
in IBM controlled GDPR-compliant systems. The collection of usage data is enabled by default, but can be disabled. For transparency, the cp4waiops-metricsprocessor
pod's logs contain all the information that is collected. The
usage data that is collected is numeric, or is about the deployment type and platform. It does not include email addresses, passwords, or specific details. Only the following data is collected:
- Current number of applications
- Current number of alerts (all severities aggregated)
- Current number of incidents (all priorities aggregated)
- Current number of policies (includes predefined and user created)
- Current number of runbooks run since installation
- Current number of integrations of each type (For example ServiceNow, Instana, Falcon Logscale)
- Secure tunnel enablement: whether connection (which controls whether you can create a secure tunnel) is enabled in the Installation custom resource
- Deployment type: base deployment or extended deployment
- Deployment platform: Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform or Linux®
Configuring the collection of usage data
If you do not want to disable the collection of usage data, run the following steps.
Set environment variables.
export CUSTOMER_NAME=<your company name> export CUSTOMER_ICN=<your IBM Customer Number> export CUSTOMER_ENVIRONMENT=<Set to `trial` or `poc`> export PROJECT_CP4AIOPS=cp4aiops
Configure the usage data with your customer details.
oc create secret generic aiops-metrics-processor -n ${PROJECT_CP4AIOPS} --from-literal=customerName=${CUSTOMER_NAME} --from-literal=customerICN=${CUSTOMER_ICN} --from-literal=environment=${CUSTOMER_ENVIRONMENT}
If you have a firewall enabled, ensure that outbound traffic to is allowed.
Important: Usage data without your customer details is still collected even if you do not create this secret. If you do not want any usage data collected, then you must run the command given in Disabling the collection of usage data.
Disabling the collection of usage data
If you want to disable the collection of usage data, run the following commands.
Set environment variables.
export CUSTOMER_NAME=<your company name> export CUSTOMER_ICN=<your IBM Customer Number> export CUSTOMER_ENVIRONMENT=<Set to `trial` or `poc`> export PROJECT_CP4AIOPS=cp4aiops
Disable usage data collection
oc create secret generic aiops-metrics-processor -n ${PROJECT_CP4AIOPS} --from-literal=customerName=${CUSTOMER_NAME} --from-literal=customerICN=${CUSTOMER_ICN} --from-literal=environment=${CUSTOMER_ENVIRONMENT} --from-literal=enableCollection=false
Note: You can update your usage data collection preferences after installation. For more information, see Updating usage data collection preferences.
7. Create the catalog source
Add the IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps catalog source to your Red Hat OpenShift cluster.
After installation, the ibm-operator-catalog
CatalogSource object determines whether the upgrade of your IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps deployment is initiated automatically when a new patch becomes available. The ibm-operator-catalog
CatalogSource object can be configured to automatically poll for and retrieve a newer catalog by enabling the polling attribute spec.updateStrategy.registryPoll
. If a newer catalog for a patch is found and retrieved, then an automatic
upgrade of your IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps deployment is initiated. For more information, see Controlling upgrade.
You can disable or re-enable automatic patch upgrade after installation if you change your mind. For more information, see Configuring automatic patch upgrades.
Note: ibm-operator-catalog
also contains the catalogs for other IBM Cloud Paks®. If multiple IBM Cloud Paks are installed on your cluster, then the polling attribute is configured for all of them.
Run the steps in Create the catalog source with automatic upgrade disabled or Create the catalog source with automatic upgrade enabled.
Create the catalog source with automatic upgrade disabled
Run the following command to create the
CatalogSource object without polling << EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: kind: CatalogSource metadata: name: ibm-operator-catalog namespace: openshift-marketplace spec: displayName: ibm-operator-catalog publisher: IBM Content sourceType: grpc image: EOF
Update the
CatalogSource to fix it to always use the current image digest, instead
. This ensures that theibm-operator-catalog
CatalogSource pods do not pull the latest image if a node reload or other issue causes them to restart. Run the following commands:IMGDIGEST=`oc get pods -n openshift-marketplace -l=olm.catalogSource=ibm-operator-catalog --no-headers -o=jsonpath="{.items[0].status.containerStatuses[0].imageID}" -n openshift-marketplace` CATALOGIMG=`oc get catalogsource ibm-operator-catalog -n openshift-marketplace -o jsonpath='{.spec.image}'` if [ "${CATALOGIMG}" = "" ]; then oc patch catalogsource ibm-operator-catalog -n openshift-marketplace --type=json -p "[{ "op": "replace", "path": "/spec/image", "value": "\"$IMGDIGEST\"" }]" fi
Verify that the ibm-operator-catalog CatalogSource object is present, and is returned by the following command.
oc get CatalogSources ibm-operator-catalog -n openshift-marketplace
Example output:
oc get CatalogSources ibm-operator-catalog -n openshift-marketplace NAME DISPLAY TYPE PUBLISHER AGE ibm-operator-catalog IBM Operator Catalog grpc IBM 4h13m
Create the catalog source with automatic upgrade enabled
Run the following command to create the
CatalogSource object with polling << EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: kind: CatalogSource metadata: name: ibm-operator-catalog namespace: openshift-marketplace spec: displayName: ibm-operator-catalog publisher: IBM Content sourceType: grpc image: updateStrategy: registryPoll: interval: 45m EOF
Verify that the ibm-operator-catalog CatalogSource object is present, and is returned by the following command.
oc get CatalogSources ibm-operator-catalog -n openshift-marketplace
Example output:
oc get CatalogSources ibm-operator-catalog -n openshift-marketplace NAME DISPLAY TYPE PUBLISHER AGE ibm-operator-catalog IBM Operator Catalog grpc IBM 4h13m
8. Install Cert Manager
Skip this step if you already have a certificate manager installed on the Red Hat OpenShift cluster that you are installing IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps on. If you do not have a certificate manager then you must install one. The IBM Cloud Pak® foundational services Cert Manager is recommended, and can be installed with the following steps.
For more information about IBM Cloud Pak® foundational services Cert Manager hardware requirements, see IBM Certificate Manager (cert-manager) hardware requirements in the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services documentation.
Run the following command to create the resource definitions that you need:
cat << EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: ibm-cert-manager --- apiVersion: kind: OperatorGroup metadata: name: ibm-cert-manager-operator-group namespace: ibm-cert-manager --- apiVersion: kind: Subscription metadata: name: ibm-cert-manager-operator namespace: ibm-cert-manager spec: channel: v4.2 installPlanApproval: Automatic name: ibm-cert-manager-operator source: ibm-operator-catalog sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace EOF
Run the following command to ensure that the IBM Cloud Pak® foundational services Cert Manager pods have a STATUS of Running before proceeding to the next step.
oc -n ibm-cert-manager get pods
Example output for a successful IBM Cloud Pak® foundational services Cert Manager installation:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE cert-manager-cainjector-674854c49d-vstq4 1/1 Running 0 8d cert-manager-controller-646d4bd6fd-zwmqm 1/1 Running 0 8d cert-manager-webhook-8598787c8-s4lkt 1/1 Running 0 8d ibm-cert-manager-operator-c96957695-dkxnm 1/1 Running 0 8d
9. Install the License Service
Skip this step if the IBM Cloud Pak® foundational services License Service is already installed on the Red Hat OpenShift cluster that you are installing IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps on.
IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps requires the installation of the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services License Service. You must install the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services License Service on the Red Hat OpenShift cluster that you are installing IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps on.
Run the following command to create the resource definitions that you need:
cat << EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: ibm-licensing --- apiVersion: kind: OperatorGroup metadata: name: ibm-licensing-operator-group namespace: ibm-licensing spec: targetNamespaces: - ibm-licensing --- apiVersion: kind: Subscription metadata: name: ibm-licensing-operator-app namespace: ibm-licensing spec: channel: v4.2 installPlanApproval: Automatic name: ibm-licensing-operator-app source: ibm-operator-catalog sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace EOF
Run the following command to ensure that the IBM Cloud Pak® foundational services License Server pods have a STATUS of Running before proceeding to the next step.
oc -n ibm-licensing get pods
Example output for a successful IBM Cloud Pak® foundational services License Service installation:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE ibm-licensing-operator-db4cd746c-xzmlf 1/1 Running 0 8d ibm-licensing-service-instance-596b99588f-76cc5 1/1 Running 0 8d
For more information about the IBM Cloud Pak® foundational services License Service, see License Service in the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services documentation.
10. Verify cluster readiness
Run the prerequisite checker script to verify whether your Red Hat OpenShift cluster is correctly set up for an IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps installation.
Download the prerequisite checker script from ,
and run it with the following command:
./ -n cp4aiops
Example output:
# ./ -n cp4aiops
[INFO] Starting IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps prerequisite checker v4.6...
CLI: oc
[INFO] =================================Platform Version Check=================================
[INFO] Checking Platform Type....
[INFO] You are using Openshift Container Platform
[INFO] OCP version 4.15.19 is compatible but only nodes with AMD64 architectures are supported at this time.
[INFO] =================================Platform Version Check=================================
[INFO] =================================Entitlement Pull Secret=================================
[INFO] Checking if the job 'cp4aiops-entitlement-key-test-job' already exists.
[INFO] The job with name 'cp4aiops-entitlement-key-test-job' was not found, so moving ahead and creating it.
[INFO] Entitlement Secret NOT found. Checking if secret is global pull secret
[INFO] Creating the job 'cp4aiops-entitlement-key-test-job'
job.batch/cp4aiops-entitlement-key-test-job created
[INFO] Verifying if the job 'cp4aiops-entitlement-key-test-job' completed successfully..
[INFO] SUCCESS! Entitlement secret is configured correctly.
job.batch "cp4aiops-entitlement-key-test-job" deleted
[INFO] =================================Entitlement Pull Secret=================================
[INFO] =================================Storage Provider=================================
[INFO] Checking storage providers
[INFO] No IBM Storage Fusion Found... Skipping configuration check.
[INFO] No Portworx StorageClusters found with "Running" or "Online" status. Skipping configuration check for Portworx.
[INFO] Openshift Data Foundation found.
[INFO] No IBM Cloud Storage found... Skipping configuration check for IBM Cloud Storage Check.
Checking Openshift Data Foundation Configuration...
Verifying if Red Hat Openshift Data Foundation pods are in "Running" or "Completed" status
[INFO] Pods in openshift-storage project are "Running" or "Completed"
[WARNING] ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd does not exist.
[INFO] One of more warnings found when checking for Storage Providers.
[INFO] =================================Storage Provider=================================
[INFO] =================================Cert Manager Check=================================
[INFO] Checking for Cert Manager operator
[INFO] Successfully functioning cert-manager found.
ibm-cert-manager-operator.v4.2.6 cicd-bvt
[INFO] =================================Cert Manager Check=================================
[INFO] =================================Licensing Service Operator Check=================================
[INFO] Checking for Licensing Service operator
[INFO] Successfully functioning licensing service operator found.
ibm-licensing-operator.v4.2.6 ibm-licensing
[INFO] =================================Licensing Service Operator Check=================================
[INFO] =================================Small or Large Install Resources=================================
[INFO] Checking for cluster resources
[INFO] ==================================Resource Summary=====================================================
[INFO] Nodes | vCPU | Memory(GB)
[INFO] Small (Non-HA) Base (available/required) [ 9 / 3 ] [ 72 / 47 ] [ 75 / 123 ]
[INFO] (+ Log Anomaly Detection & Ticket Analysis) [ 9 / 3 ] [ 72 / 55 ] [ 75 / 136 ]
[INFO] Large (HA) Base (available/required) [ 9 / 6 ] [ 72 / 130 ] [ 75 / 310 ]
[INFO] (+ Log Anomaly Detection & Ticket Analysis) [ 9 / 6 ] [ 72 / 156 ] [ 75 / 368 ]
[INFO] ==================================Resource Summary=====================================================
[ERROR] Cluster does not have required resources available to install Cloud Pak for AIOps.
[INFO] =================================Small or Large Install Resources=================================
[INFO] =================================Prerequisite Checker Tool Summary=================================
[ PASS ] Platform Version Check
[ PASS ] Entitlement Pull Secret
[ WARNING ] Storage Provider
[ FAIL ] Small (Non-HA) Base Install Resources
[ FAIL ] Large (HA) Base Install Resources
[ PASS ] Cert Manager Operator Installed
[ PASS ] Licensing Service Operator Installed
[INFO] =================================Prerequisite Checker Tool Summary=================================
11. Install the IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps operator
For more information about the operators which are installed with IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps, see Operator Details.
Run the following command:
cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
kind: Subscription
name: ibm-aiops-orchestrator
namespace: cp4aiops
channel: v4.6
installPlanApproval: Automatic
name: ibm-aiops-orchestrator
source: ibm-operator-catalog
sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
Warning: installPlanApproval must not be changed to Manual. Manual approval, which requires the manual review and approval of the generated InstallPlans, is not supported. Incorrect timing or ordering of manual approvals of InstallPlans can result in a failed installation.
After a few minutes, the IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps operator is installed. Verify that the all of the components have a state of Succeeded
by running the following command:
oc get csv -n cp4aiops | egrep "ibm-aiops-orchestrator"
Example output:
$ oc get csv -n cp4aiops | egrep "ibm-aiops-orchestrator"
ibm-aiops-orchestrator.v4.6.1 IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps 4.6.1 Succeeded
12. Install IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps
Note: A maximum of one IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps custom resource is allowed per cluster.
Run the following command to create an instance of the IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps custom resource called ibm-cp-aiops
Warning: The pakModules aiopsFoundation
, applicationManager
, and aiManager
must be enabled as in the following YAML. Do not change these values to false.
cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
kind: Installation
name: ibm-cp-aiops
namespace: cp4aiops
imagePullSecret: ibm-entitlement-key
accept: <license_acceptance>
- name: aiopsFoundation
enabled: true
- name: applicationManager
enabled: true
- name: aiManager
enabled: true
- name: connection
enabled: false
- name: logAnomalyDetection
enabled: <enable_log_anomaly_detection>
size: small
storageClass: <storage_class_name>
storageClassLargeBlock: <large_block_storage_class_name>
topologyModel: application
- is set to true to agree to the license terms.<enable_log_anomaly_detection>
- set to true to install an extended deployment with log anomaly detection and ticket analysis capabilities enabled. Set to false to install a base deployment without log anomaly detection and ticket analysis capabilities enabled. For more information, see Incremental adoption.<storage_class_name>
are the storage classes that you want to use, as detailed in the following table. For more information about storage, see Storage.
Note: To confirm that you have the storage classes for your chosen storage provider as shown in the table, run oc get sc
Storage provider | storage_class_name | large_block_storage_class_name |
IBM Cloud® | ibmc-file-gold-gid | ibmc-block-gold |
Red Hat® OpenShift® Data Foundation | ocs-storagecluster-cephfs | ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd |
IBM Storage Fusion Data Foundation | ocs-storagecluster-cephfs | ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd |
IBM Storage Fusion Global Data Platform | If you are using IBM Storage Fusion, use ibm-spectrum-scale-sc. If you are using IBM Storage Fusion HCI System, use ibm-storage-fusion-cp-sc |
If you are using IBM Storage Fusion, use ibm-spectrum-scale-sc. If you are using IBM Storage Fusion HCI System, use ibm-storage-fusion-cp-sc |
IBM Storage Scale Container Native | ibm-spectrum-scale-sc | ibm-spectrum-scale-sc |
Portworx | px-csi-aiops | px-csi-aiops |
Portworx (multi-zone HA) | px-csi-aiops-mz | px-csi-aiops-mz |
AWS native storage | efs-sc | gp3-csi |
13. Verify your installation
Run the following command to check that the PHASE of your installation is Updating
oc get -n cp4aiops
Example output:
ibm-cp-aiops Updating Accepted rook-cephfs rook-ceph-block 3m
It takes around 60-90 minutes for the installation to complete (subject to the speed with which images can be pulled). When installation is complete and successful, the PHASE of your installation changes to Running
If your installation phase does not change to Running
, then use the following command to find out which components are not ready:
oc get -o yaml -n cp4aiops | grep 'Not Ready'
Example output:
lifecycleservice: Not Ready
zenservice: Not Ready
To see details about why a component is Not Ready
run the following command, where <component>
is the component that is not ready, for example zenservice
oc get <component> -o yaml -n cp4aiops
(Optional) You can also download and run a status checker script to see information about the status of your deployment. For more information about how to download and run the script, see
If the installation fails, or is not complete and is not progressing, then see Troubleshooting installation and upgrade and Known Issues to help you identify any installation problems.
14. Log in to the IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps console
Find the password for the
username by running the following command:oc -n cp4aiops get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -o jsonpath='{.data.admin_password}' | base64 -d
Find the URL to access the IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps console with the following command.
oc get route -n cp4aiops cpd -o jsonpath='{}'
The following output is a sample output:
Based on the sample output, your console URL would be
Enter the URL in your browser to open the IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps console and log in with a username of
and the password that you found in the previous step.
What to do next
- Define integrations and applications with Defining.
- You can install and integrate with IBM Cognos® Analytics. For more information, see Installing IBM Cognos Analytics.
- If you have an existing on-premises IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus deployment, then you can connect it to IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps through an integration. For more information, see Creating IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus integrations.
- If you have an existing on-premises IBM Tivoli Netcool/Impact deployment, then you can connect it to IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps through an integration. For more information, see Creating IBM Tivoli Netcool/Impact integrations.