XML configuration file
The probe is supplied with an XML configuration file (wineventlog.xml) that allows you to specify from which of the Windows Server event logs the probe extracts events, and what filtering criteria the probe uses to limit the events that it receives.
The probe only monitors the events logs for which there is an entry in the XML configuration file. By default, the XML configuration file can be found in the following location:
The XML configuration file must contain an entry for
each event log that you want the probe to monitor. For each Windows
log you want the probe to monitor, you must add a <Log
tag within the <WindowsLogs
> tag of the XML file.
For each application or services log you want the probe to monitor,
you must add a <Log
> tag within the <AppServiceLogs
tag of the XML file.
When the probe is running, it periodically checks whether the XML configuration file has been updated. This enables you to change the logs that the probe monitors without having to restart the probe. To specify the frequency with which the probe checks for updates to the XML configuration file, specify the ReadFileInterval property in the wineventlog.props file.
You can specify a different location for the host configuration file using the ConfigFile property in the wineventlog.props file.