Properties and command line options

You use properties to specify how the probe interacts with the device. You can override the default values by using the properties file or the command line options.

The following table describes the properties and command line options specific to this probe. For more information about generic Netcool/OMNIbus properties and command line options, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe and Gateway Guide.

Table 1. Properties and command line options

Property name

Command line option


AlertsBatchSize integer

-alertbatchsize integer

Use this property to specify the maximum number of events the probe sends in a batch.

The default is 0 (the probe does not send events in batch mode.)

AckedResolutionState integer

-ackedresolutionstate integer

Use this property to specify the value to be set for the ResolutionState field of an alarm when you acknowledge that alarm in Microsoft SCOM 2012 using the CLI. Values between 0 and 255 (inclusive) are valid for the ResolutionState field.

The default is 85.

Note: Do not use this property unless it is required as part of a customization of Microsoft SCOM 2012.

CleanStart string

-cleanstart (This is equivalent to CleanStart with a value of true.)

-nocleanstart (This is equivalent to CleanStart with a value of false.)

Use this property to specify whether the probe retrieves alerts created in Microsoft SCOM 2012 since the last time the probe shut down. This property takes the following values:

false: The probe retrieves any alerts created since it last shut down.

true: The probe ignores any alerts created since it last shut down.

The default is false.

CleanUpOnShutdown string

-cleanuponshutdown (This is equivalent to CleanUpOnShutdown with a value of true.)

-nocleanuponshutdown (This is equivalent to CleanUpOnShutdown with a value of false.)

Use this property to specify whether the probe de-registers its connector and unsubscribes from Microsoft SCOM 2012 at the end of a session.

false: The probe maintains the connector and subscription between sessions.

true: The probe removes the connector and cleans up the current subscription at the end of a session.

The default is false.

For more information about using this property, see Managing subscriptions.

ClearedResolutionState integer

-clearedresolutionstate integer

Use this property to specify the value to be set for the ResolutionState field of an alarm when you resolve that alarm in Microsoft SCOM 2012 using the CLI. Values between 0 and 255 (inclusive) are valid for the ResolutionState field.

The default is 255.

Note: Do not use this property unless it is required as part of a customization of Microsoft SCOM 2012.

CommandPort integer

-commandport integer

Use this property to specify the port through which users can send commands to Microsoft SCOM 2012 using the CLI.

The default is 6970.

CommandPortLimit integer

-commandportlimit integer

Use this property to specify the maximum number of Telnet connections that can be made to the probe.

The default is 10.

ConnectorDomain string

-connectordomain string

Use this property to specify the domain of the Windows account used for client authentication during connection to Microsoft SCOM 2012.

If you have assigned the Operations Manager Administrator user role to the probe's user group in Microsoft SCOM 2012, you do not have to specify a value for this property.

The default is "".

ConnectorName string

-connectorname string

Use this property to specify the unique name used to register the probe as a connector in Microsoft SCOM 2012. The connector name is case-sensitive.

The default is "Netcool probe".

Note: If you are running multiple stand-alone instances of the probe, each instance must have a unique connector name. However, if you are running two instances of the probe in a failover configuration, both instances must use the same connector name. For more information, see Peer-to-peer failover functionality.
Note: Each unique ConnectorName must not contain duplicate settings. For more information, see Connector name subscriptions

ConnectorPassword string

-connectorpassword string

Use this property to specify the password of the Windows account used for client authentication during connection to Microsoft SCOM 2012.

If you have assigned the Operations Manager Administrator user role to the probe's user group in Microsoft SCOM 2012, you do not have to specify a value for this property.

The default is "".

Note: Use this property in conjunction with the generic Netcool/OMNIbus ConfigKeyFile property. Use the Netcool/OMNIbus nco_aes_crypt utility to generate an encrypted version of the password for use in the properties file. For more information about using the nco_aes_crypt utility, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Administration Guide (SC14-7605).

ConnectorUser string

-connectoruser string

Use this property to specify the user name of the Windows account used for client authentication during connection to Microsoft SCOM 2012.

If you have assigned the Operations Manager Administrator user role to the probe's user group in Microsoft SCOM 2012, you do not have to specify a value for this property.

The default is "".

PeerCommandPort integer

-peercommandport integer

Use this property to specify the port on the peer probe through which users can send commands to Microsoft SCOM 2012 using the CLI.

You only need to specify a value for this property in cases where you have an ObjectServer automation customization that uses the event elements peerHost (the value specified by the generic Netcool/OMNIbus PeerHost property) and peerCommandPort (the value specified by this property).

The default is 6970.

For more information, see Peer-to-peer failover functionality.

PollInterval integer

-pollinterval integer

Use this property to specify the interval (in seconds) at which the probe polls Microsoft SCOM 2012 for new alerts.

To prevent the connection timing out, use polling intervals of less than 30 minutes.

You can disable this property by specifying a value of 0. This will result in continuous polling by the probe, leading to high CPU usage.

The default is 10.

Note: If you enable the Timeout property, you must specify a value for the PollInterval property that is less than the value you specify for the Timeout property.
Note: Microsoft SCOM only polls for alarms at a minimal interval of 60 seconds before sending events to the probe, so the probe may experience a delay in receiving alarms.

Retry string

-retry (This is equivalent to Retry with a value of true.)

-noretry (This is equivalent to Retry with a value of false.)

Use this property to specify whether the probe retries the connection to Microsoft SCOM 2012 when it fails to establish a connection or loses an existing connection. This property takes the following values:

false: The probe does not retry the connection.

true: The probe retries the connection.

The default is false.

Note: If the probe is connecting to a Microsoft SCOM 2012 RMS cluster, set the Retry property to true. This enables the probe to tolerate any interim connection failure that might occur during the internal failover process in the target system.

For more information about this property, see Backoff strategy.

RetryConstantWait integer

-retryconstantwait integer

Use this property to specify a regular interval (in seconds) for the backoff strategy enabled by the Retry property.

The default is 0.

Note: This property overrides the normal operation of the Retry property. For more information, see Backoff strategy.

RetryMaxTime integer

-retrymaxtime integer

Use this property to specify a maximum time period (in seconds) for which the probe will attempt to connect to Microsoft SCOM 2012 using the backoff strategy.

The default is 9000 (2.5 hours).

Note: This property overrides the normal operation of the Retry property. For more information, see Backoff strategy.

ScomHost string

-scomhost string

Use this property to specify the IP address or FQDN of the RMS that the probe connects to.

IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in square brackets. For example: [fe80::202:b3ff:fe1e:8329].

The default is localhost.

Note: The RMS can be on a different host than the probe. If so, specify the name of the stand-alone host. If the RMS is part of a clustered RMS, specify the cluster name as the host value.

ScomSdkDir string

-scomsdkdir string

Use this property to specify the directory where the probe can locate the SDK .NET libraries it requires for communication with Microsoft SCOM 2012.

If you are installing the probe on the same host machine as Microsoft SCOM 2012, it is likely that these libraries have been installed to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) of the host machine during the Microsoft SCOM 2012 installation. In this case, the libraries are globally available on the host machine and you do not need to specify a value for the ScomSdkDir property. Consult your Microsoft documentation for information about how to verify the contents of the GAC.

Note: If the Probe for Microsoft SCOM 2012 is not running on the same server as Microsoft SCOM 2012 you need to copy the DLL files specified in the Configuring the probe section to the probe server and specify the ScomSdkDir to that location.

The default is "C:\\Program Files\\System Center 2012\\Operations Manager\\Server\\SDK Binaries".

Note: Back slashes (\) are treated as escape characters. Therefore, you must use double back slashes (\\) to ensure that the directory path is read correctly.

Timeout integer

-timeout integer

Use this property to specify the period of time (in seconds) for which the probe waits for new alerts from Microsoft SCOM 2012 before shutting down. If the probe is still busy retrieving a previous alert, it will not disconnect when the timeout interval is reached.

The default is 0.

Note: For more information about specifying a value for this property, see Inactivity.