Roles and permissions

When you add a user or a group to your Cloud Pak, you must specify the role that they have. The predefined roles and permissions that are defined by the Platform UI can be viewed in Predefined roles and permissions.

Automation foundation uses a ClusterRole resource with get, list, and watch permissions for the storage classes in your cluster.

Cluster role for storage classes

The cluster role is used to automatically find usable storage classes in the cluster. Following is an example of the ClusterRole resource definition:

kind: ClusterRole
  name: ibm-automation-core.v1.3.12-7c5b8bb854
  - verbs:
      - get
      - list
      - watch
      - storageclasses

User roles defined by IBM® Automation foundation

Automation foundation creates only the user roles, the default permissions for these roles are not defined. A Cloud Pak that is deployed in an OpenShift cluster is required to extend these predefined roles and add their own permissions to these roles.

Automation foundation creates the following high-level roles.

Role Default permissions Service contributing permissions Service creating the role
Automation Administrator No default permissions defined IBM Cloud Paks for Automation Automation foundation
Automation Analyst No default permissions defined IBM Cloud Paks for Automation Automation foundation
Automation Developer No default permissions defined IBM Cloud Paks for Automation Automation foundation
Automation Operator No default permissions defined IBM Cloud Paks for Automation Automation foundation

Extensions for the high-level roles

OpenShift ConfigMaps are used to deploy the Platform UI extensions that create the Cloud Pak permissions and a separate set of ConfigMaps to extend the Automation foundation base roles.

An example of Cloud Pak permissions is the following yaml snippet.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: <your-cloudpak>-permission-extns
    icpdata_addon: "true"
    icpdata_addon_version: "1.0"
  extensions: |
        "extension_point_id": "zen_permissions",
        "extension_name": "<your-permission-name-1>",
        "display_name": "<your-permission-display-name-1>",
        "match_permissions": "",
        "match_instance_id": "",
        "match_instance_role": "",
        "meta": {},
        "details": {
          "key": "<your-permission-name-1>",
          "category": "<your-cloudpak>",
          "description": [
        "extension_point_id": "zen_permissions",
        "extension_name": "<your-permission-name-2>",
        "display_name": "<your-permission-display-name-2>",
        "match_permissions": "",
        "match_instance_id": "",
        "match_instance_role": "",
        "meta": {},
        "details": {
          "key": "<your-permission-name-2>",
          "category": "<your-cloudpak>",
          "description": [

You can extend the Automation foundation roles with these permissions by using a yaml file as shown in the following snippet.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: <your-cloudpak>-role-extns
    icpdata_addon: "true"
    icpdata_addon_version: "1.0"
  extensions: |
        "extension_point_id": "zen_user_roles",
        "extension_name": "iaf-automation-admin",
        "display_name": "Automation Administrator",
        "details": {
          "description": "Automation Administrator",
          "permissions": ["<your-permission-name-1>", "<your-permission-name-2>"]
        "extension_point_id": "zen_user_roles",
        "extension_name": "iaf-automation-developer",
        "display_name": "Automation Developer",
        "details": {
          "description": "Automation Developer",
          "permissions": ["<your-permission-name-1>"]
        "extension_point_id": "zen_user_roles",
        "extension_name": "iaf-automation-analyst",
        "display_name": "Automation Analyst",
        "details": {
          "description": "Automation Analyst",
          "permissions": ["<your-permission-name-1>"]



Changes not reflected

Debug issues after you apply a ConfigMap by using the following steps:

  1. Run oc get pods in the namespace where you keep the Platform UI tenant. You see a zen-watcher pod.
  2. Run oc logs <zen-watcher-pod> to see what is causing the error.
  3. Address the problem in one of the following ways:
    • Edit the ConfigMap.
    • Enter oc delete configmap <configmap-yaml> and reapply the ConfigMap that caused the problem.