Operational data store

IBM® Automation foundation includes an operational data store based on Apache 2.0 OSS Elasticsearch with the addition of a custom security plug-in to enable Basic Authentication and a proxy sidecar for TLS capability.

Warning: The disks are not monitored for usage and it is the user’s responsibility to plan for the appropriate disk usage and monitor the disks to ensure they do not fill. If the disks get full, it is likely that it results in data loss.

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Running in production

When you run Elasticsearch in production, consider these settings. For more information, see Important System Configuration External link icon.

Node groups

Elasticsearch is configured into node groups inside the Elasticsearch CR:

       - name: master
         replicas: 3
         storage: {}
           - key: node.master
             value: "true"
           - key: node.data
             value: "false"
           - key: node.ingest
             value: "false"
       - name: data
         replicas: 3
         storage: {}
           - key: node.master
             value: "false"
           - key: node.data
             value: "true"
           - key: node.ingest
             value: "false"

These node groups allow the user to define the configuration for different sets of nodes within the Elasticsearch cluster.

The names of these node groups are significant as it defines the names of Kubernetes resources, which are created for installing the Elasticsearch cluster. When a node group is removed, all the resources, except for the PersistentVolumeClaims (used for persistent storage under those nodes), are removed. This means that if you change the name of a group, it leads to the removal of the previous group and the creation of a new group. Therefore, you must consider the node groups carefully before installing or adjusting the configuration.


The Elasticsearch cluster included in Automation foundation uses a custom security plug-in that secures all API interactions with Basic Authentication. A CartridgeRequirements Custom Resource (CR) has its status that is updated regarding a secret that contains the username and generated password that is assigned to the CartridgeRequirements request.

A superuser credential is created for administration of the Elasticsearch instance that can access the security APIs.

All communication with the client port of Elasticsearch is encrypted with TLS. The default TLS configuration can be changed by using one of the following methods:

        name: my-issuer
        secretName: my-ca-secret
        key: ca.crt

You can customize Elasticsearch user credentials. Currently, the behavior is as following.

Updating and preconfiguring the superuser password

Follow the process to change the generated password for the elasticsearch-admin superuser:

  1. Ensure you are logged in to the OpenShift cluster by using the oc login.

  2. Update and export the following environment variables in your command line.

     export ELASTIC_INSTANCE_NAME="elasticsearch-sample" # <-- Change this variable to your CR name.
     export NAMESPACE="acme-abp" # <-- Change this variable to the namespace that you want.
     export NEW_PASSWORD="your-new-password" # <-- Change this variable to the new password that you want.
  3. Run the following code block in your command line to update the superuser password:

     export SECRET_NAME=$(oc get elasticsearch "$ELASTIC_INSTANCE_NAME" -n "$NAMESPACE" -o jsonpath='{.status.adminAuthSecretName}')
     oc patch secret $SECRET_NAME -n $NAMESPACE -p '{"data": {"password": "'$(echo -n "$NEW_PASSWORD" | base64)'"}}'
     oc annotate secret $SECRET_NAME -n $NAMESPACE elastic.automation.ibm.com/generated-default-credentials-
     unset NEW_PASSWORD

Alternatively, to preconfigure the superuser password, a secret can be created with the appropriate naming and labeling conventions in advance. Creating a secret in advance can be useful in a disaster recovery scenario where dependent services have an existing set of credentials.

  1. Ensure you are logged in to the OpenShift cluster by using the oc login.

  2. Update and export the following environment variables in your command line.

     export ELASTIC_INSTANCE_NAME="elasticsearch-sample" # <-- Change this variable to your CR name.
     export NAMESPACE="acme-abp" # <-- Change this variable to the namespace that you want.
     export NEW_PASSWORD="your-new-password" # <-- Change this variable to the new password that you want.
  3. Run the following code block in your command line to preconfigure the superuser password:

     cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
     kind: Secret
     apiVersion: v1
       name: ${ELASTIC_INSTANCE_NAME}-elasticsearch-es-default-user
       namespace: $NAMESPACE
         app.kubernetes.io/component: es
         app.kubernetes.io/instance: $ELASTIC_INSTANCE_NAME
         app.kubernetes.io/name: elasticsearch
         elastic.automation.ibm.com/cr-name: $ELASTIC_INSTANCE_NAME
       password: $(echo -n "$NEW_PASSWORD" | base64 -w0)
       username: ZWxhc3RpY3NlYXJjaC1hZG1pbg==
     type: kubernetes.io/basic-auth
     unset NEW_PASSWORD

Note: This precreated credentials secret is not owned by the Elasticsearch instance and as such is not tethered to the Elasticsearch instance lifecycle. Users are responsible for managing the lifecycle of this secret.


By default the Automation foundation provided Elasticsearch cluster does not have persistence that is configured. Cluster administrators are required to provide either a StorageClass supporting dynamic provisioning or pre-created PersistentVolumes before configuring Elasticsearch. There are multiple PersistentVolume storage classes available, depending on your cluster setup. For more information, see Understanding Persistent Storage.

Each node group requires independent storage configuration. This approach enables different tiers of storage capability to be provided to each node group depending on requirements that is, fast storage for the data nodes and slower storage for the controller nodes.

The controller and data nodes require storage that can be used with a ReadWriteOnce (RWO) access mode. This mode specifies that the volume can be mounted as read and write by a single node and is available only to that node.

To use the Elasticsearch cluster data storage, you must declare its use in the elasticsearch section of the AutomationBase custom resource by defining a storage element for each nodegroupspecs.

For example,

      - name: data
        replicas: 3
          size: 50Gi
          class: rook-ceph-block

This example creates a 50 GB PersistentVolumeClaim for each of the three replicas where the physical storage for each of the data nodes is provisioned by using the rook-ceph-block StorageClass.

The following table shows the child elements that can be specified as part of the storage object. All elements are optional. If the element is not provided, and a default value is set for the cluster, then that default value is used. Otherwise, the element is not included.

Element Default Description
size data: 50 Gi, controller: 10 Gi Size of the storage with scale suffix.
class default cluster StorageClass Storage class name.
selector A Label selector to allow finer-grained PersistentVolume selection. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#label-selectors for syntax.
volumeClaimTemplate A PersistentVolumeClaim that allows a greater detailed specification of the volume. Only used for Snapshot storage. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims for syntax.
fsGroup The group ID for the file system. May need to be set for some storage providers such as NFS
supplementalGroups An array of group IDs to be added on the security context for the container.

If spec.elasticsearch.nodegroupspecs[].storage.class is not specified, and a default StorageClass is set for the cluster, the default StorageClass is used.

If you don't want a StorageClass to be used because your PersistentVolumes do not define a StorageClass, like NFS, then specify spec.elasticsearch.nodegroupspecs[].storage.class with a value of "", as in class: "".

Note: The storage.volumeClaimTemplate child element can be used only when you configure the Elasticsearch storage snapshot.

Create PersistentVolumes by using a label so that they can be correctly defined in the PersistentVolumeClaim, as shown in the following example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name:  elasticsearch-data1
    es-storage-type: data
    storage: 50Gi
  - ReadWriteOnce
    path: /data/es-data1
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Recycle

See the following example of the spec.elasticsearch.nodegroupspecs[].storage that uses a selector that matches the es-storage-type: data label:

      accept: true
    version: "v1.0"
      - name: data
        replicas: 3
          class: ""
              es-storage-type: data
          size: 50Gi

Sufficient PersistentVolumes must be available to meet the needs of the replicas that are defined for each node group. In the previous example, three replicas are defined for the data node group. Thus, at least three PersistentVolumes of sufficient capacity must be available to meet the claim needs.

Note: If separate data and master nodes are being used with persistent storage, then a spec.elasticsearch.nodegroupspecs[].storage object is required for both nodegroups. It is not possible to define persistent storage just for the data nodes. However, different tiers of storage might be assigned to each node group.

If no storage is defined, the Elasticsearch cluster uses only the storage that is local to the container. All indices and configurations are lost when an Elasticsearch container restarts.

When an Elasticsearch cluster is deleted the PersistentVolumeClaims and bound PersistentVolumes remain intact to preserve the data.

Note: If a new Elasticsearch cluster that uses persisted storage is created with the same name as a previous cluster, then any previous PersistentVolumeClaims and hence PersistentVolumes are reused. If the storage object that is defined on the new cluster is changed, for example the StorageClass differs, then the PersistentVolumeClaims and PersistentVolumes need to be manually deleted before the creation of the new Elasticsearch cluster of the same name in order for new PersistentVolumeClaims to be created.

Access modes

The Elasticsearch cluster requires storage that uses the following access modes:

Only PersistentVolume mechanisms that support these access modes can be used for the different storage uses.

For more information, see Access modes.

Storage permissions

To access provided storage, workloads require permissions. These permissions are controlled with the securityContext for the pod, in this case, the fsGroup, and supplementalGroups. When the securityContext has an fsGroup that is specified, all processes of the containers within the pod are part of the supplementary group ID that is specified by the fsGroup. The owner for the persisted volume and any files that are created in that volume are also in the group ID that is specified by the fsGroup.

The default settings are valid for most scenarios. However, if your storage configuration requires fsGroup or supplementalGroups, use the Storage object to configure each node group.

Note: The spec.securityContext.runAsGroup cannot be set as part of the storage object, so the default primary group ID for all containers is 0 (root).

The following example demonstrates setting an fsGroup and supplementalGroups in the elasticsearch field of the AutomationBase custom resource for a node group:

      - name: data
        replicas: 3
          class: rook-ceph-block
          size: 50Gi
          fsGroup: 2000
          supplementalGroups: [2001,2002]

The three pods that result from the previous node group definition each have a securityContext as shown:

    runAsNonRoot: true
    fsGroup: 2000
    supplementalGroups: [2001,2002]

If you run the id command within the pod's container, you can confirm if the configurations took effect:

$ id
uid=1000660000(1000660000) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),2000,2001,2002

Note: If fsGroup or supplementalGroups are required, you might need to provide a SecurityContextConstraint that is configured to support the specified values.

See the following example of the settings that are required in a SecurityContextConstraint to accommodate these configurations:

    - max: 3000
      min: 2000
  type: MustRunAs
  type: RunAsAny

Additional Allowed APIs

Use the additional allowed APIs (additionalAllowedAPIs) to allow a predefined set of APIs and optionally a broader set of user-specified APIs. Configure this list with the spec.elasticsearch.additionalAllowedAPIs field in the AutomationBase CR.

Note: More APIs are allowed at your own risk!

Follow this format: GET:[api, api_two],POST:[api_three]...

For an example, see the default allowlist:

"GET:[main_action, cat_health_action, nodes_stats_action, get_snapshots_action, snapshot_status_action, recovery_action, cat_recovery_action, get_indices_action, search_action],HEAD:[main_action, get_indices_action],POST:[rest_handler_security_user_add, put_repository_action, restore_snapshot_action, create_snapshot_action, document_create_action_auto_id, document_index_action, document_create_action, search_action, bulk_action],DELETE:[rest_handler_security_user_delete, delete_repository_action, delete_index_action],PUT:[rest_handler_security_user_update, cluster_update_settings_action, put_repository_action, create_index_action, document_index_action, document_create_action]";

To open all APIs to connect OSS Kibana or other third-party applications, use the following wildcard approach:


See the following table for the default allowed APIs and their corresponding Elasticsearch documentation names:

Method Allowed API syntax API
GET main_action info
cat_health_action cat.health
nodes_stats_action nodes.stats
get_snapshots_action snapshot.get
snapshot_status_action snapshot.status
recovery_action indices.recovery
cat_recovery_action cat.recovery
get_indices_action indices.get
search_action search
cluster_health_action cluster.health
HEAD main_action ping
get_indices_action indices.exists
POST rest_handler_security_user_add security.users.create
put_repository_action snapshot.create_repository
restore_snapshot_action snapshot.restore
create_snapshot_action snapshot.create
document_create_action_auto_id index
document_index_action index
document_create_action create
search_action search
bulk_action bulk
DELETE rest_handler_security_user_delete security.users.delete
delete_repository_action snapshot.delete_repository
delete_index_action indices.delete
PUT rest_handler_security_user_update rest_handler_security_user_update
cluster_update_settings_action cluster.put_settings
put_repository_action snapshot.create_repository
create_index_action indices.create
document_index_action index
document_create_action create

Note: APIs that are deprecated are blocked by the allowlist and cannot be enabled.

Reference table for available APIs to add to the allowlist

Method Allowed API syntax API Paths
DELETE clear_scroll_action clear_scroll [/_search/scroll, /_search/scroll/{scroll_id}]
DELETE clear_voting_config_exclusions_action cluster.delete_voting_config_exclusions [/_cluster/voting_config_exclusions]
DELETE delete_component_template_action cluster.delete_component_template [/_component_template/{name}]
DELETE delete_composable_index_template_action indices.delete_index_template [/_index_template/{name}]
DELETE delete_index_action indices.delete [/, /{index}]
DELETE delete_index_template_action indices.delete_template [/_template/{name}]
DELETE delete_repository_action snapshot.delete_repository [/_snapshot/{repository}]
DELETE delete_snapshot_action snapshot.delete [/_snapshot/{repository}/{snapshot}]
DELETE delete_stored_script_action delete_script [/_scripts/{id}]
DELETE document_delete_action delete [/{index}/_doc/{id}, /{index}/{type}/{id}]
DELETE index_delete_aliases_action indices.delete_alias [/{index}/_alias/{name}]
DELETE ingest_delete_pipeline_action ingest.delete_pipeline [/_ingest/pipeline/{id}]
DELETE rest_handler_security_user_delete security.users.delete [/_security/users/{username}]
GET _scripts_painless_execute scripts_painless_execute [/_scripts/painless/_execute]
GET analyze_action indices.analyze [/_analyze, /{index}/_analyze]
GET cat_action cat.help [/_cat]
GET cat_alias_action cat.aliases [/_cat/aliases, /_cat/aliases/{alias}]
GET cat_allocation_action cat.allocation [/_cat/allocation, /_cat/allocation/{nodes}]
GET cat_count_action cat.count [/_cat/count, /_cat/count/{index}]
GET cat_fielddata_action cat.fielddata [/_cat/fielddata, /_cat/fielddata/{fields}]
GET cat_health_action cat.health [/_cat/health]
GET cat_indices_action cat.indices [/_cat/indices, /_cat/indices/{index}]
GET cat_master_action cat.master [/_cat/master]
GET cat_node_attrs_action cat.nodeattrs [/_cat/nodeattrs]
GET cat_nodes_action cat.nodes [/_cat/nodes]
GET cat_pending_cluster_tasks_action cat.pending_tasks [/_cat/pending_tasks]
GET cat_plugins_action cat.plugins [/_cat/plugins]
GET cat_recovery_action cat.recovery [/_cat/recovery, /_cat/recovery/{index}]
GET cat_repositories_action cat.repositories [/_cat/repositories]
GET cat_segments_action cat.segments [/_cat/segments, /_cat/segments/{index}]
GET cat_shards_action cat.shards [/_cat/shards, /_cat/shards/{index}]
GET cat_snapshot_action cat.snapshots [/_cat/snapshots, /_cat/snapshots/{repository}]
GET cat_tasks_action cat.tasks [/_cat/tasks]
GET cat_templates_action cat.templates [/_cat/templates, /_cat/templates/{name}]
GET cat_threadpool_action cat.thread_pool [/_cat/thread_pool, /_cat/thread_pool/{thread_pool_patterns}]
GET cluster_allocation_explain_action cluster.allocation_explain [/_cluster/allocation/explain]
GET cluster_get_settings_action cluster.get_settings [/_cluster/settings]
GET cluster_health_action cluster.health [/_cluster/health, /_cluster/health/{index}]
GET cluster_search_shards_action search_shards [/_search_shards, /{index}/_search_shards]
GET cluster_state_action cluster.state [/_cluster/state, /_cluster/state/{metric}, /_cluster/state/{metric}/{indices}]
GET cluster_stats_action cluster.stats [/_cluster/stats, /_cluster/stats/nodes/{nodeId}]
GET count_action count [/_count, /{index}/_count, /{index}/{type}/_count]
GET document_get_action get [/{index}/_doc/{id}, /{index}/{type}/{id}]
GET document_get_source_action get_source [/{index}/_source/{id}, /{index}/{type}/{id}/_source]
GET document_mget_action mget [/_mget, /{index}/_mget, /{index}/{type}/_mget]
GET document_multi_term_vectors_action mtermvectors [/_mtermvectors,/{index}/_mtermvectors, /{index}/{type}/_mtermvectors]
GET document_term_vectors_action termvectors [/{index}/_termvectors, /{index}/_termvectors/{id}, /{index}/{type}/_termvectors, /{index}/{type}/{id}/_termvectors]
GET explain_action explain [/{index}/_explain/{id}, /{index}/{type}/{id}/_explain]
GET field_capabilities_action field_caps [/_field_caps, /{index}/_field_caps]
GET flush_action indices.flush [/_flush, /{index}/_flush]
GET get_aliases_action indices.get_alias [/_alias /{index}/_alias]
GET get_component_template_action cluster.get_component_template [/_component_template, /_component_template/{name}]
GET get_composable_index_template_action indices.get_index_template [/_index_template, /_index_template/{name}]
GET get_field_mapping_action indices.get_field_mapping [/_mapping/field/{fields}, /_mapping/{type}/field/{fields}, /{index}/_mapping/field/{fields}, /{index}/{type}/_mapping/field/{fields}, /{index}/_mapping/{type}/field/{fields}]
GET get_index_template_action indices.get_template [/_template, /_template/{name}]
GET get_indices_action indices.get [/{index}]
GET get_mapping_action indices.get_mapping [/_mapping, /{index}/{type}/_mapping, /{index}/_mapping, /{index}/_mappings, /{index}/_mappings/{type}, /{index}/_mapping/{type}, /{index}/_mapping/{type}, /_mapping/{type}]
GET get_repositories_action snapshot.get_repository [/_snapshot, /_snapshot/{repository}]
GET get_settings_action indices.get_settings [/_settings, /_settings/{name}, /{index}/_settings, /{index}/_settings/{name}]
GET get_snapshots_action snapshot.get [/_snapshot/{repository}/{snapshot}]
GET get_stored_scripts_action get_script [/_scripts/{id}]
GET get_task_action tasks.get [/_tasks/{task_id}]
GET indices_segments_action indices.segments [/_segments, /{index}/_segments]
GET indices_shard_stores_action indices.shard_stores [/_shard_stores, /{index}/_shard_stores]
GET indices_stats_action indices.stats [/_stats, /_stats/{metric}, /{index}/_stats, /{index}/_stats/{metric}]
GET ingest_get_pipeline_action ingest.get_pipeline [/_ingest/pipeline, /_ingest/pipeline/{id}]
GET ingest_processor_grok_get ingest.processor_grok /_ingest/processor/grok]
GET ingest_simulate_pipeline_action ingest.simulate [/_ingest/pipeline/{id}/_simulate, /_ingest/pipeline/{id}/_simulate, /_ingest/pipeline/_simulate]
GET list_tasks_action tasks.list [/_tasks]
GET main_action info [/]
GET msearch_action msearch [/_msearch, /{index}/_msearch, /{index}/{type}/_msearch]
GET multi_search_template_action msearch_template [/_msearch/template, /{index}/_msearch/template, /{index}/{type}/_msearch/template]
GET nodes_hot_threads_action nodes.hot_threads [/_nodes/hot_threads, /_nodes/{nodeId}/hot_threads]
GET nodes_info_action nodes.info [/_nodes, /_nodes/{nodeId}, /_nodes/{nodeId}/{metrics}, /_nodes/{nodeId}/info/{metrics}]
GET nodes_stats_action nodes.stats [/_nodes/stats, /_nodes/{nodeId}/stats, /_nodes/stats/{metric}, /_nodes/{nodeId}/stats/{metric}, /_nodes/stats/{metric}/{index_metric}, /_nodes/{nodeId}/stats/{metric}/{index_metric}]
GET nodes_usage_action nodes.usage [/_nodes/usage, /_nodes/{nodeId}/usage, /_nodes/usage/{metric}, /_nodes/{nodeId}/usage/{metric}]
GET pending_cluster_tasks_action cluster.pending_tasks [/_cluster/pending_tasks]
GET rank_eval_action rank_eval [/_rank_eval, /{index}/_rank_eval]
GET recovery_action indices.recovery [/_recovery, /{index}/_recovery]
GET refresh_action indices.refresh [/_refresh, /{index}/_refresh]
GET remote_cluster_info_action cluster.remote_info _remote/info]
GET render_search_template_action render_search_template [/_render/template, /_render/template/{id}]
GET script_context_action get_script_context [/_script_context]
GET script_language_action get_script_languages [/_script_language]
GET search_action search [/_search, /{index}/_search, /{index}/{type}/_search]
GET search_scroll_action scroll [/_search/scroll, /_search/scroll/{scroll_id}]
GET search_template_action search_template [/_search/template, /{index}/_search/template, /{index}/{type}/_search/template]
GET snapshot_status_action snapshot.status [/_snapshot/{repository}/{snapshot}/_status, /_snapshot/{repository}/_status, /_snapshot/_status]
GET synced_flush_action indices.flush_synced [/_flush/synced, /{index}/_flush/synced]
GET upgrade_status_action indices.get_upgrade [/_upgrade, /{index}/_upgrade]
GET validate_query_action indices.validate_query [/_validate/query, /{index}/_validate/query, /{index}/{type}/_validate/query]
HEAD document_get_action exists [/{index}/_doc/{id}, /{index}/{type}/{id}]
HEAD document_get_source_action exists_source [/{index}/_source/{id}, /{index}/{type}/{id}/_source]
HEAD get_aliases_action indices.exists_alias [/_alias /{index}/_alias]
HEAD get_component_template_action cluster.exists_component_template [/_component_template, /_component_template/{name}]
HEAD get_composable_index_template_action indices.exists_index_template [/_index_template, /_index_template/{name}]
HEAD get_index_template_action indices.exists_template [/_template, /_template/{name}]
HEAD get_indices_action indices.exists [/{index}]
HEAD get_mapping_action indices.exists_type [/_mapping, /{index}/{type}/_mapping, /{index}/_mapping, /{index}/_mappings, /{index}/_mappings/{type}, /{index}/_mapping/{type}, /{index}/_mapping/{type}, /_mapping/{type}]
HEAD main_action ping [/]
POST _scripts_painless_execute scripts_painless_execute [/_scripts/painless/_execute]
POST add_voting_config_exclusions_action cluster.post_voting_config_exclusions [/_cluster/voting_config_exclusions/{node_name}, /_cluster/voting_config_exclusions]
POST analyze_action indices.analyze [/_analyze, /{index}/_analyze]
POST bulk_action bulk [/_bulk, /{index}/_bulk, /{index}/{type}/_bulk]
POST cancel_tasks_action tasks.cancel [/_tasks/_cancel, /_tasks/{task_id}/_cancel]
POST cleanup_repository_action snapshot.cleanup_repository [/_snapshot/{repository}/_cleanup]
POST clear_indices_cache_action indices.clear_cache [/_cache/clear, /{index}/_cache/clear]
POST clone_index_action indices.clone [/{index}/_clone/{target}]
POST close_index_action indices.close [/_close, /{index}/_close]
POST cluster_allocation_explain_action cluster.allocation_explain [/_cluster/allocation/explain]
POST cluster_reroute_action cluster.reroute [/_cluster/reroute]
POST cluster_search_shards_action search_shards [/_search_shards, /{index}/_search_shards]
POST count_action count [/_count, /{index}/_count, /{index}/{type}/_count]
POST create_snapshot_action snapshot.create [/_snapshot/{repository}/{snapshot}]
POST delete_by_query_action delete_by_query [/{index}/_delete_by_query, /{index}/{type}/_delete_by_query]
POST document_create_action_auto_id index /{index}/_doc, /{index}/{type}]
POST document_create_action create [/{index}/_create/{id}, /{index}/{type}/{id}/_create]
POST document_index_action index [/{index}/_doc/{id}, /{index}/{type}/{id}]
POST document_mget_action mget [/_mget, /{index}/_mget, /{index}/{type}/_mget]
POST document_multi_term_vectors_action mtermvectors [/_mtermvectors,/{index}/_mtermvectors, /{index}/{type}/_mtermvectors]
POST document_term_vectors_action termvectors [/{index}/_termvectors, /{index}/_termvectors/{id}, /{index}/{type}/_termvectors, /{index}/{type}/{id}/_termvectors]
POST document_update_action update [/{index}/_update/{id}, /{index}/{type}/{id}/_update]
POST explain_action explain [/{index}/_explain/{id}, /{index}/{type}/{id}/_explain]
POST field_capabilities_action field_caps [/_field_caps, /{index}/_field_caps]
POST flush_action indices.flush [/_flush, /{index}/_flush]
POST force_merge_action indices.forcemerge [/_forcemerge, /{index}/_forcemerge]
POST index_put_alias_action indices.put_alias [/{index}/_alias/{name}, /_alias/{name}, /_aliases/{name}, /{index}/_alias, /{index}/_aliases, /_alias]
POST indices_aliases_action indices.update_aliases [/_aliases]
POST ingest_simulate_pipeline_action ingest.simulate [/_ingest/pipeline/{id}/_simulate, /_ingest/pipeline/{id}/_simulate, /_ingest/pipeline/_simulate]
POST msearch_action msearch [/_msearch, /{index}/_msearch, /{index}/{type}/_msearch]
POST multi_search_template_action msearch_template [/_msearch/template, /{index}/_msearch/template, /{index}/{type}/_msearch/template]
POST nodes_reload_action nodes.reload_secure_settings [/_nodes/reload_secure_settings, /_nodes/{nodeId}/reload_secure_settings]
POST open_index_action indices.open [/_open, /{index}/_open]
POST put_component_template_action cluster.put_component_template [/_component_template/{name}]
POST put_composable_index_template_action indices.put_index_template [/_index_template/{name}]
POST put_index_template_action indices.put_template [/_template/{name}]
POST put_mapping_action indices.put_mapping [/{index}/_mapping/, /{index}/{type}/_mapping, /{index}/_mapping/{type}, /_mapping/{type}, /{index}/_mappings/, /{index}/{type}/_mappings, /{index}/_mappings/{type}, /_mappings/{type}]
POST put_repository_action snapshot.create_repository [/_snapshot/{repository}]
POST put_stored_script_action put_script [/_scripts/{id}, /_scripts/{id}/{context}]
POST rank_eval_action rank_eval [/_rank_eval, /{index}/_rank_eval]
POST refresh_action indices.refresh [/_refresh, /{index}/_refresh]
POST reindex_action reindex [/_reindex]
POST render_search_template_action render_search_template [/_render/template, /_render/template/{id}]
POST rest_handler_security_user_add security.users.create [/_security/users]
POST restore_snapshot_action snapshot.restore [/_snapshot/{repository}/{snapshot}/_restore]
POST rethrottle_action delete_by_query_rethrottle [/_update_by_query/{taskId}/_rethrottle, /_delete_by_query/{taskId}/_rethrottle, /_reindex/{taskId}/_rethrottle]
POST rethrottle_action reindex_rethrottle [/_update_by_query/{taskId}/_rethrottle, /_delete_by_query/{taskId}/_rethrottle, /_reindex/{taskId}/_rethrottle]
POST rethrottle_action update_by_query_rethrottle [/_update_by_query/{taskId}/_rethrottle, /_delete_by_query/{taskId}/_rethrottle, /_reindex/{taskId}/_rethrottle]
POST rollover_index_action indices.rollover [/{index}/_rollover, /{index}/_rollover/{new_index}]
POST search_action search [/_search, /_search, /{index}/_search, /{index}/{type}/_search]
POST search_scroll_action scroll [/_search/scroll, /_search/scroll/{scroll_id}]
POST search_template_action search_template [/_search/template, /{index}/_search/template, /{index}/{type}/_search/template]
POST shrink_index_action indices.shrink [/{index}/_shrink/{target}]
POST simulate_index_template_action indices.simulate_index_template [/_index_template/_simulate_index/{name}]
POST split_index_action indices.split [/{index}/_split/{target}]
POST synced_flush_action indices.flush_synced [/_flush/synced, /{index}/_flush/synced]
POST update_by_query_action update_by_query [/{index}/_update_by_query, /{index}/{type}/_update_by_query]
POST upgrade_action indices.upgrade [/_upgrade, /{index}/_upgrade]
POST validate_query_action indices.validate_query [/_validate/query, /{index}/_validate/query, /{index}/{type}/_validate/query]
POST verify_repository_action snapshot.verify_repository [/_snapshot/{repository}/_verify]
PUT bulk_action bulk [/_bulk, /{index}/_bulk, /{index}/{type}/_bulk]
PUT clone_index_action indices.clone [/{index}/_clone/{target}, /{index}/_clone/{target}]
PUT cluster_update_settings_action cluster.put_settings [/_cluster/settings]
PUT create_index_action indices.create [/{index}]
PUT create_snapshot_action snapshot.create [/_snapshot/{repository}/{snapshot}]
PUT document_create_action create [/{index}/_create/{id}, /{index}/{type}/{id}/_create]
PUT document_index_action index [/{index}/_doc/{id}, /{index}/{type}/{id}]
PUT index_put_alias_action indices.put_alias [/{index}/_alias/{name}, /_alias/{name}, /_aliases/{name}, /{index}/_alias, /{index}/_aliases, /_alias]
PUT ingest_put_pipeline_action ingest.put_pipeline [/_ingest/pipeline/{id}]
PUT put_component_template_action cluster.put_component_template [/_component_template/{name}]
PUT put_composable_index_template_action indices.put_index_template [/_index_template/{name}]
PUT put_index_template_action indices.put_template [/_template/{name}]
PUT put_mapping_action indices.put_mapping [/{index}/_mapping/, /{index}/{type}/_mapping, /{index}/_mapping/{type}, /_mapping/{type}, /{index}/_mappings/, /{index}/{type}/_mappings, /{index}/_mappings/{type}, /_mappings/{type}]
PUT put_repository_action snapshot.create_repository [/_snapshot/{repository}]
PUT put_stored_script_action put_script [/_scripts/{id}, /_scripts/{id}/{context}]
PUT rest_handler_security_user_update security.users.modify [/_security/users/{username}]
PUT shrink_index_action indices.shrink [/{index}/_shrink/{target}]
PUT split_index_action indices.split [/{index}/_split/{target}]
PUT update_settings_action indices.put_settings [/{index}/_settings, /_settings]

Backup and restore

Take a snapshot of a running Elasticsearch cluster to back it up.

Snapshot storage requires a ReadWriteMany (RWX) access mode that specifies that the volume can be mounted as read/write by many nodes.

To use the Elasticsearch cluster snapshot storage, declare its use in the elasticsearch section of the AutomationBase custom resource by defining a snapshotStores element as shown in the following example. This example creates a 10 GB volume that is mounted at /usr/share/elasticsearch/snapshots/main by using the csi-cephfs StorageClass:

      - name: main
          class: "csi-cephfs"
          size: "10Gi"

See the following example of the spec.elasticsearch.snapshotStores.storage that uses a volumeClaimTemplate:

      accept: true
    version: "v1.0"
      - name: main
                - ReadWriteMany
              volumeMode: Filesystem
                  storage: 50Gi
              storageClassName: "myStorageClass"
                  es-storage-type: data

Note: Only the spec section of PersistentVolumeClaim provided for the volumeClaimTemplate field is used when creating the PersistentVolumeClaim resource. Any metadata entries provided under the volumeClaimTemplate is not used.

When you use a shared file system to store snapshots, add the file system path or parent directory to the path.repo setting in the elasticsearch.yml file for each main and data node. Define these values in the Elasticsearch custom resource by defining a config element as shown in the following example:

      - name: main
          class: "csi-cephfs"
          size: "10Gi"
      - name: data
        replicas: 3
        - key: path.repo
          value: "/usr/share/elasticsearch/snapshots/main"

If you configure more than one snapshot store, enter the file system paths with a single path.repo config element as shown in the following example:

      - name: data
        replicas: 3
        - key: path.repo
          value: '["/usr/share/elasticsearch/snapshots/main", "/usr/share/elasticsearch/snapshots/temporary"]'

Then, create the snapshot repositories with the Elasticsearch REST API. The REST API references the mount path of the storage.

For more information, see Snapshot and restore.

Specify the following child elements as part of the snapshotStores array:

Element Description
name Name of the snapshot store, which is also used in the mount path
storage A storage object

The child elements that you can specify as part of the storage object are the same elements that you can define in the Storage section.


By default, monitoring capabilities for Elasticsearch are disabled. To enable them, deploy your Elasticsearch custom resource as shown in the following example:

    monitoring: {}

This feature deploys resources necessary to export the Elasticsearch metrics from the running instance to a Prometheus-friendly format and exposes an endpoint with these metrics. It also deploys a resource to gather these metrics into OpenShift Monitoring.

To enable the necessary monitoring in OpenShift as of version 4.6, follow the instructions in Enabling monitoring for user-defined projects to set up the correct ConfigMap configurations.

After the monitoring is enabled, go to Monitoring>Metrics to view the extracted metrics.

The following metrics for Elasticsearch can be queried.

Name Type Cardinality Help
elasticsearch_breakers_estimated_size_bytes gauge 4 Estimated size in bytes of breaker
elasticsearch_breakers_limit_size_bytes gauge 4 Limit size in bytes for breaker
elasticsearch_breakers_tripped counter 4 tripped for breaker
elasticsearch_cluster_health_active_primary_shards gauge 1 The number of primary shards in your cluster. This is an aggregate total across all indices.
elasticsearch_cluster_health_active_shards gauge 1 Aggregate total of all shards across all indices, which includes replica shards.
elasticsearch_cluster_health_delayed_unassigned_shards gauge 1 Shards delayed to reduce reallocation overhead
elasticsearch_cluster_health_initializing_shards gauge 1 Count of shards that are being freshly created.
elasticsearch_cluster_health_number_of_data_nodes gauge 1 Number of data nodes in the cluster.
elasticsearch_cluster_health_number_of_in_flight_fetch gauge 1 The number of ongoing shard info requests.
elasticsearch_cluster_health_number_of_nodes gauge 1 Number of nodes in the cluster.
elasticsearch_cluster_health_number_of_pending_tasks gauge 1 Cluster level changes, which have not yet been run
elasticsearch_cluster_health_task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis gauge 1 Max time in millis that a task is waiting in queue.
elasticsearch_cluster_health_relocating_shards gauge 1 The number of shards that are currently moving from one node to another node.
elasticsearch_cluster_health_status gauge 3 Whether all primary and replica shards are allocated.
elasticsearch_cluster_health_timed_out gauge 1 Number of cluster health checks timed out
elasticsearch_cluster_health_unassigned_shards gauge 1 The number of shards that exist in the cluster state, but cannot be found in the cluster itself.
elasticsearch_filesystem_data_available_bytes gauge 1 Available space on block device in bytes
elasticsearch_filesystem_data_free_bytes gauge 1 Free space on block device in bytes
elasticsearch_filesystem_data_size_bytes gauge 1 Size of block device in bytes
elasticsearch_filesystem_io_stats_device_operations_count gauge 1 Count of disk operations
elasticsearch_filesystem_io_stats_device_read_operations_count gauge 1 Count of disk read operations
elasticsearch_filesystem_io_stats_device_write_operations_count gauge 1 Count of disk write operations
elasticsearch_filesystem_io_stats_device_read_size_kilobytes_sum gauge 1 Total kilobytes read from disk
elasticsearch_filesystem_io_stats_device_write_size_kilobytes_sum gauge 1 Total kilobytes written to disk
elasticsearch_indices_docs gauge 1 Count of documents on this node
elasticsearch_indices_docs_deleted gauge 1 Count of deleted documents on this node
elasticsearch_indices_docs_primary gauge Count of documents with only primary shards on all nodes
elasticsearch_indices_fielddata_evictions counter 1 Evictions from field data
elasticsearch_indices_fielddata_memory_size_bytes gauge 1 Field data cache memory usage in bytes
elasticsearch_indices_filter_cache_evictions counter 1 Evictions from filter cache
elasticsearch_indices_filter_cache_memory_size_bytes gauge 1 Filter cache memory usage in bytes
elasticsearch_indices_flush_time_seconds counter 1 Cumulative flush time in seconds
elasticsearch_indices_flush_total counter 1 Total flushes
elasticsearch_indices_get_exists_time_seconds counter 1 Total time get exists in seconds
elasticsearch_indices_get_exists_total counter 1 Total get exists operations
elasticsearch_indices_get_missing_time_seconds counter 1 Total time of get missing in seconds
elasticsearch_indices_get_missing_total counter 1 Total get missing
elasticsearch_indices_get_time_seconds counter 1 Total get time in seconds
elasticsearch_indices_get_total counter 1 Total get
elasticsearch_indices_indexing_delete_time_seconds_total counter 1 Total time indexing delete in seconds
elasticsearch_indices_indexing_delete_total counter 1 Total indexing deletes
elasticsearch_indices_indexing_index_time_seconds_total counter 1 Cumulative index time in seconds
elasticsearch_indices_indexing_index_total counter 1 Total index calls
elasticsearch_indices_merges_docs_total counter 1 Cumulative docs merged
elasticsearch_indices_merges_total counter 1 Total merges
elasticsearch_indices_merges_total_size_bytes_total counter 1 Total merge size in bytes
elasticsearch_indices_merges_total_time_seconds_total counter 1 Total time spent merging in seconds
elasticsearch_indices_query_cache_cache_total counter 1 Count of query cache
elasticsearch_indices_query_cache_cache_size gauge 1 Size of query cache
elasticsearch_indices_query_cache_count counter 2 Count of query cache hit/miss
elasticsearch_indices_query_cache_evictions counter 1 Evictions from query cache
elasticsearch_indices_query_cache_memory_size_bytes gauge 1 Query cache memory usage in bytes
elasticsearch_indices_query_cache_total counter 1 Size of query cache total
elasticsearch_indices_refresh_time_seconds_total counter 1 Total time spent refreshing in seconds
elasticsearch_indices_refresh_total counter 1 Total refreshes
elasticsearch_indices_request_cache_count counter 2 Count of request cache hit/miss
elasticsearch_indices_request_cache_evictions counter 1 Evictions from request cache
elasticsearch_indices_request_cache_memory_size_bytes gauge 1 Request cache memory usage in bytes
elasticsearch_indices_search_fetch_time_seconds counter 1 Total search fetch time in seconds
elasticsearch_indices_search_fetch_total counter 1 Total number of fetches
elasticsearch_indices_search_query_time_seconds counter 1 Total search query time in seconds
elasticsearch_indices_search_query_total counter 1 Total number of queries
elasticsearch_indices_segments_count gauge 1 Count of index segments on this node
elasticsearch_indices_segments_memory_bytes gauge 1 Current memory size of segments in bytes
elasticsearch_indices_settings_stats_read_only_indices gauge 1 Count of indices that have read_only_allow_delete=true
elasticsearch_indices_shards_docs gauge 3 Count of documents on this shard
elasticsearch_indices_shards_docs_deleted gauge 3 Count of deleted documents on each shard
elasticsearch_indices_store_size_bytes gauge 1 Current size of stored index data in bytes
elasticsearch_indices_store_size_bytes_primary gauge Current size of stored index data in bytes with only primary shards on all nodes
elasticsearch_indices_store_size_bytes_total gauge Current size of stored index data in bytes with all shards on all nodes
elasticsearch_indices_store_throttle_time_seconds_total counter 1 Throttle time for index store in seconds
elasticsearch_indices_translog_operations counter 1 Total translog operations
elasticsearch_indices_translog_size_in_bytes counter 1 Total translog size in bytes
elasticsearch_indices_warmer_time_seconds_total counter 1 Total warmer time in seconds
elasticsearch_indices_warmer_total counter 1 Total warmer count
elasticsearch_jvm_gc_collection_seconds_count counter 2 Count of JVM GC runs
elasticsearch_jvm_gc_collection_seconds_sum counter 2 GC run time in seconds
elasticsearch_jvm_memory_committed_bytes gauge 2 JVM memory currently committed by area
elasticsearch_jvm_memory_max_bytes gauge 1 JVM memory max
elasticsearch_jvm_memory_used_bytes gauge 2 JVM memory currently used by area
elasticsearch_jvm_memory_pool_used_bytes gauge 3 JVM memory currently used by pool
elasticsearch_jvm_memory_pool_max_bytes counter 3 JVM memory max by pool
elasticsearch_jvm_memory_pool_peak_used_bytes counter 3 JVM memory peak used by pool
elasticsearch_jvm_memory_pool_peak_max_bytes counter 3 JVM memory peak max by pool
elasticsearch_os_cpu_percent gauge 1 Percent CPU used by the OS
elasticsearch_os_load1 gauge 1 Short term load average
elasticsearch_os_load5 gauge 1 Midterm load average
elasticsearch_os_load15 gauge 1 Long term load average
elasticsearch_process_cpu_percent gauge 1 Percent CPU used by process
elasticsearch_process_cpu_time_seconds_sum counter 3 Process CPU time in seconds
elasticsearch_process_mem_resident_size_bytes gauge 1 Resident memory in use by process in bytes
elasticsearch_process_mem_share_size_bytes gauge 1 Shared memory in use by process in bytes
elasticsearch_process_mem_virtual_size_bytes gauge 1 Total virtual memory used in bytes
elasticsearch_process_open_files_count gauge 1 Open file descriptors
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_number_of_snapshots gauge 1 Total number of snapshots
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_oldest_snapshot_timestamp gauge 1 Oldest snapshot timestamp
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_snapshot_start_time_timestamp gauge 1 Last snapshot start timestamp
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_snapshot_end_time_timestamp gauge 1 Last snapshot end timestamp
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_snapshot_number_of_failures gauge 1 Last snapshot number of failures
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_snapshot_number_of_indices gauge 1 Last snapshot number of indices
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_snapshot_failed_shards gauge 1 Last snapshot failed shards
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_snapshot_successful_shards gauge 1 Last snapshot successful shards
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_snapshot_total_shards gauge 1 Last snapshot total shard
elasticsearch_thread_pool_active_count gauge 14 Thread Pool threads active
elasticsearch_thread_pool_completed_count counter 14 Thread Pool operations completed
elasticsearch_thread_pool_largest_count gauge 14 Thread Pool largest threads count
elasticsearch_thread_pool_queue_count gauge 14 Thread Pool operations queued
elasticsearch_thread_pool_rejected_count counter 14 Thread Pool operations rejected
elasticsearch_thread_pool_threads_count gauge 14 Thread Pool current threads count
elasticsearch_transport_rx_packets_total counter 1 Count of packets received
elasticsearch_transport_rx_size_bytes_total counter 1 Total number of bytes received
elasticsearch_transport_tx_packets_total counter 1 Count of packets sent
elasticsearch_transport_tx_size_bytes_total counter 1 Total number of bytes sent
elasticsearch_clusterinfo_last_retrieval_success_ts gauge 1 Timestamp of the last successful cluster info retrieval
elasticsearch_clusterinfo_up gauge 1 Up metric for the cluster info collector
elasticsearch_clusterinfo_version_info gauge 6 Constant metric with ES version information as labels

Audit logging

Enable the custom security plug-in that is provided with the Elasticsearch cluster in IBM Automation foundation to log authorization audit records in Cloud Auditing Data Format (CADF).

The authorization audit logging is disabled by default. To enable it, send a REST request to the Elasticsearch system.

curl -X PUT -u "<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>" "http://<you_elasticsearch_host>/_cluster/settings" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  "transient": {
    "logger.com.ibm.elasticsearch.audit": "AUDIT"

To turn off the logging for authorization, send a REST request to the Elasticsearch system.

curl -X PUT -u "<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>" "http://<you_elasticsearch_host>/_cluster/settings" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  "transient": {
    "logger.com.ibm.elasticsearch.audit": "OFF"

The audit logs for each container are written to the base logs directory in the <cluster_name>_audit.json file. For example, if the Elasticsearch instance is called elasticsearch-sample, the log file is /usr/share/elasticsearch/storage/logs/elasticsearch-sample-elasticsearch-cluster_audit.json.

See the following example of a CADF authorization audit log message:

    "outcome": "success",
    "typeURI": "http://schemas.dmtf.org/cloud/audit/1.0/event",
    "eventType": "activity",
    "eventTime": "2021-01-12T12:33:21.409062Z",
    "action": "authenticate",
    "requestPath": "/customer/_doc/1",
    "id": "elasticsearch:ccb7c058-0c32-443c-a6ee-acab813ad978",
    "severity": "normal",
    "initiator": {
        "id": "elasticsearch:d367b08e-af48-456f-9f3b-4e325c85a098",
        "name": "elasticsearch-admin",
        "typeURI": "service/security/account/user",
        "host": {
            "agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.26.8",
            "address": "/"
        "credential": {
            "type": "user"
    "target": {
        "id": "elasticsearch:elasticsearch-sample-elasticsearch-es-master-data-0",
        "name": "elasticsearch-sample-elasticsearch-es-master-data-0",
        "typeURI": "service/security/account/user"
    "observer": {
        "name": "ElasticSearchSecurityPlugin",
        "id": "userActivity",
        "typeURI": "service/security/elasticsearch"
    "reason": {
        "reasonCode": 200,
        "reasonType": "OK"

JVM options

The JVM that is being used within the Elasticsearch container is set up using the default Elasticsearch JVM settings. By default, Elasticsearch tells the JVM to use a heap with a minimum and maximum size of 1 GB. When you move to production, it is important to configure heap size to ensure that Elasticsearch has enough heap available. The JVM options can be specified by providing an ES_JAVA_OPTS environment variable for each of the containers.

The following example demonstrates the use of AutomationBase custom resource to set the ES_JAVA_OPTS environment variable, which specifies the Java minimum and maximum heap size for the master-data containers.

      - name: master-data
        replicas: 3
        storage: {}
                - env:
                    - name: ES_JAVA_OPTS
                      value: '-Xms2g -Xmx2g'
                  name: elasticsearch
                      cpu: 1100m
                      memory: 5Gi
                      cpu: 900m
                      memory: 3Gi

Note: When you set the Xms (minimum heap size) and Xmx (maximum heap size) settings, you must set these to be equal to each other. Also, you must set Xmx and Xms to no more than 50% of your physical RAM.

For more information, see Setting the heap size External link icon documentation.

Elasticsearch on multi-zone clusters

The Elasticsearch included in IBM Automation Foundation works fine on multi-zone clusters. Although it works fine and provides resilience against whole-zone failures, it may not keep up optimal performance. The performance depends on low latency and high bandwidth connection between data centres hosting the nodes.

For more details, please refer the link here.

The cross cluster replication feature, required to implement the performance optimised multi-zone deployment is not available in the current version of Elasticsearch.

Support for the latest Elasticsearch version

IBM Automation Foundation v1.3.0 with Elasticsearch Operator version 1.3.0 has included a new Operand version for ElasticSearch CRs of 2.0.0.

The use of the 2.0.0 operand version (and the corresponding v2 operand channel) will utilise the latest Elasticsearch (ELv2 v17.15.1). The v2 operand needs to be set on the elasticsearch element in the Automationbase CR. For example:

apiVersion: base.automation.ibm.com/v1beta1
kind: AutomationBase
  name: iaf-automationbase-instance
  namespace: acme-iaf
      accept: true
    version: v1.0
    monitoring: {}
      - name: master-data
        replicas: 3  
    tls: {}
    version: v2
  kafka: {}
    accept: true
  tls: {}
  version: v1

If the v1 channel is used, Elasticsearch v7.8.0 will continue to be used.

Note: Once the v2 operand is used, it is not possible to easily move to v1. This is due to the resources created by Elasticsearch 7.15.1 is not being valid on 7.8.0. While upgrading from v1 to v2 operator channel, it is highly recommended to make a backup of the Elasicsearch database prior to modifying the operand to use v2.