Viewing and modifying volumes

View or modify details about volumes.

Before you begin

You must be assigned one of the following permissions to perform these steps:
  • System level, Cloud group administration role with permission to View all cloud resources (Read-only)
  • System level, Cloud group administration role with permission to View all cloud resources (Read-only permission)
  • Resource level administration role with Read access rights permission (ACL) to view a specific instance
  • Resource level administration role with Write or All access rights permission (ACL) to view and manage a specific instance

About this task

You can use the console, the command line interface, or the REST API to complete this task. For the command line and REST API information, see the Related information section.


  1. Click Cloud > Volumes.
  2. Select a volume to view or modify.
    You can click the name of the volume or click the Edit icon in the Actions column of the table to display the details. You can view or modify the following fields. Values that you can modify are displayed with links for editing or removing entries, or are displayed with a dash underline.
    Specifies the pending and started jobs associated with the volume. Click the underlined numbers to view the specific jobs. Click View Details to view the Job Queue pane.
    Specifies the description of the volume. When there is no description, (none) is located in this field. Click (none) to add a description.
    Specifies the status of the volume, such as Available.
    Specifies the volume type.
    Datastore Name
    The datastore name is useful for identifying the datastore in VMware vCenter and ESXi when external application access is enabled.
    Datastore UUID
    Specifies the unique identifier assignment when a datastore is created. All copies of a datastore share the same UUID. The Datastore UUID identifies datastores as alternate versions of each other, whereas the Datastore Name is unique and can help you determine which version of a datastore is in use.
    LUN identifier
    For RAW, Block, and Block Shared volumes, this is the storage-level identifier of the unit of storage represented by the volume. This is useful for identifying the block of storage when it is used by Virtual Manager cloud groups that are accessed directly in VMware vCenter and ESXi by external applications. For example, in VMware vCenter, the storage Device Name and the storage Device Identifier contain the LUN identifier:
    Device Name
    <LUN identifier>,<associate system name>,<source volume reference>,<Volume type code>
    Device Identifier
    naa.<LUN identifier>
    Note: Hexadecimal digits A-F within the LUN identifier are lowercase when shown in VMware vCenter.
    Created on
    Specifies the date for which the volume is created.
    Updated on
    Specifies the time and date of the last change to the volume.
    Virtual machines
    Specifies the virtual machines that use the volume.
    Specifies the size of the volume.
    In cloud group
    Specifies the cloud group for which this volume belongs.
    Associate System
    Specifies the name of a Cloud Pak System Software system running in a Virtual manager cloud group for which the volume can be attached. Valid naming format is:
    • The first character can be A-Z or a-z.
    • The other characters can be alphanumeric or an en dash [ - ].
    • The value cannot end with the en dash character [ - ].
    • The value cannot contain a comma character [ , ].
    • The value can be between 2 and 24 characters in length.
    Important: *GetName* is a special Associate System name that is used for a volume that is configured as the target volume for a block storage replication configuration. When you manually specify the target volume's associated system name as *GetName*, the Cloud Pak System system queries the source system and copies the source's volume Associate System name and its LUN identifier meta data to the target system. This feature is useful when the target volume's meta data needs to be synchronized with the source volume.
    Volume Group
    Specifies the volume group to which this volume is a member. Click the link to view the volume group details.
    Storage controller
    Specifies the storage controller for which this volume is associated with. Click the link to view the storage device details.
    Volume statistics
    Specifies the volume statistics for this volume. Click the link to view the volume statistics details.
    Overall Replication Status
    If this volume is participating in block storage replication, this section displays summary information about the replication status for this volume. If this volume is not defined as part of the block storage replication profile, then this section is not displayed.
    • Replication storage state: An overall status indicator. Valid values include Available and Unconfigured.
    • Replication direction: Indicates whether the volume is serving as the primary volume or the auxiliary volume. A right arrow icon indicates a primary role, replicating data to the auxiliary volume. A left arrow icon indicates an auxiliary role, receiving replicated data from a remote primary volume.
    • Replication last change time: A timestamp indicating when the most recent replication operation occurred on this volume.
    • Replication type: Indicates whether replication is performed in synchronous or asynchronous mode.
    Access granted to
    The access control list for this volume. Initially this field is set to the role of the owner of the volume. Users or groups who have access to this volume are listed in this field as links.

    If you have permission, use the Add more entry field to provide access for more users or groups of users. For each user or group of users in this list, you can specify whether they have read, write, or all access by clicking the link next to the user or group name. Click Remove to remove the user or group from the access list.