Viewing license usage reports

License usage reports show license information per virtual application instance.

Before you begin

You can view details about the instance, the virtual application pattern it belongs to, and the operating system.

You must be assigned the Cloud administration permission to complete these steps.

About this task

You can use the console or the REST API to complete this task. For the REST API information, see the Related information section.


  1. Click System > License Usage.
  2. Expand Filtering Options to view and specify settings for the report to be generated.
  3. Under Products, select one or more products for which you want to generate the report. If you do not select any items, all products are shown.
  4. Under Grouped by, select from the available groupings. Based on the chosen grouping, select the user name or the user group that you want to group for. You can also select multiple items from the list.
    If you do not select any items, the report contains data for all available items, which are grouped by the item type.
  5. In the Date range section, select the starting and ending dates and times for the report.
  6. To download the report as a .csv or .xls file, select the appropriate option and click Download filtered data.
    You can also download the entire report (no filter applied) by clicking Download all data.


You can import the downloaded report file into a spreadsheet program for easy viewing.