Deleting volume pairs

When you no longer need to replicate data between a volume pair on the local and remote systems, you can delete the volume pair from the block storage replication profiles.

Before you begin

Your user name must have the following permissions to perform the steps in this task:
  • Manage block storage replication profiles (Full permission)

A block storage replication profile must have been created on both the local and remote systems.

There should be one or more block (or block shared) volumes created on both the local and remote systems. An administrator for both systems must have added a volume pair to the block storage replication profiles.

About this task

As part of managing the volume pairs in your block storage replication profile, you can delete entries in the Volumes table when they are no longer needed. This function is available only in the block storage replication profile for the sending side of the volume pair.


  1. From the console of the sending system (that is replicating data to the receiving system), click System > Block Storage Replication.
    The Block Storage Replication Profiles page is displayed.
  2. Select the block storage replication profile from the list.
    The details about the profile are displayed. The Volumes section includes a table showing the volume pairs that have been created.
  3. In the table, locate one or more volume pairs that have the Delete icon displayed in the Actions column.
    This icon is displayed only for volume pairs where the direction of replication is from the local volume to the remote volume.
  4. Click Delete to delete the volume pair from the table.

    The volume pair is deleted and the row is removed from the Volumes table in the block storage replication profiles for both the local and remote systems.