Viewing virtual machine reports

You can view, customize and print reports for virtual machines.

Before you begin

In the virtual machine reports, you can review details like CPU utilization, memory allocation, and so on.

You must be assigned the Cloud group administration role with permission to View all cloud resources (Read-only) to perform these steps.


  1. Click Patterns > Virtual Machines.
  2. Select the virtual machine for which you want to review reports.
  3. Click the Report icon in the toolbar.
  4. From the Machine Activity pane, select the Virtual Machine report.
  5. Optional: From the graph, filter the data as follows:
    1. Click CPU to view the CPU usage.
      Select the Allocation check box to view the daily average CPU utilization. Select the Utilization check box to view the daily average CPU utilization.
    2. Click Memory to view the amount of memory, in megabytes (MB).
      Select the Allocation check box to view the daily average memory allocation, in MB.
    3. Click the column header to sort the data in that column.
      The data is sorted in alphabetical order or reverse alphabetical order, or sorted from highest numerical order to lowest.
  6. Optional: From the table, filter the column headings as follows:
    1. Right-click any of the table column headings to add or remove a column heading from the table.
      For example, to add a virtual machine column, right-click a column and select the Virtual Machine check box. To remove the virtual machine column header, right-click the column and deselect the Virtual Machine check box.
    2. From the Column Name menu, select the filter criteria for columns that you want to display.
      The column headers that you can choose are listed as follows:
      • Virtual Machine
      • State
      • Application
      • Allocated CPU
      • CPU in use
      • 30-day average CPU Utilization
      • Allocated Memory (GB)
      • Allocated Disk (GB)
      • Memory in use (GB)
      • 30-day average Memory Utilization (GB)
      • Allocated Disk

      You can select all or one of the column headers. Each entry in the Chosen Filter Criteria menu is separated by a semi-colon.

    3. Select a comparator filter from the Comparator menu.
      You can select one of the following comparator filters:
      • starts with
      • does not start with
      • equals
      • does not equal
      • ends with
      • does not end with
      • is blank
      • is not blank
      • greater than
      • less than
      • combine by
    4. Enter the value in the Desired Value menu.

      For example, select Virtual Machine in the Column Name menu, select starts with in the Comparator menu, and type 172 in the Desired Value menu. The virtual machine names that start with 172 are displayed.

      After you click Add, the filter criteria is displayed in the comparator in the Chosen Filter Criteria menu.
  7. Click Clear to remove the filter criteria and show all of the rows in this report.
  8. Click Print to select the printer that you want to use to print the report.