Viewing and modifying virtual machine settings

View or modify details for your virtual machines to suit the changing needs of your environment.

Before you begin

You must be assigned System level, Cloud group administration role with permission to View all cloud resources (Read-only permission) perform these steps.
You must be assigned one of the following permissions to perform these steps:
  • System level, Cloud group administration role with permission to View all cloud resources (Read-only permission)
  • System level, Cloud group administration role with permission to View all cloud resources (Read-only)
  • Resource level administration role with Read access rights permission (ACL) to view a specific instance
  • Resource level administration role with Write or All access rights permission (ACL) to view and manage a specific instance

About this task

You can use the console or the command line interface to complete this task. For the command line information, see the Related information section.


  1. Click Patterns > Manage > Virtual Machines.
  2. Select the virtual machine to view or modify.
    You can view or modify the following fields. Editable fields display either edit or remove links, or are underlined with a dash line.
    Specifies the events that are associated with the virtual machine. Click the View details link to view the list of events.
    Restriction: To view the events, you require one of the following permissions:
    • System level, Hardware administration role with permission to View all hardware resources (Read-only)
    • System level, Hardware administration role with permission to Manage hardware resources (Full permission)
    Specifies the pending and started jobs that are associated with the virtual machine. Click the underlined numbers to view the specific jobs. Click View Details to view the Job Queue pane.
    Specifies the description of this virtual machine. When there is no description, (none) is in this field. Click (none) to add a description.
    Specifies the status of the virtual machine. Valid values are Running or Stopped.
    Created on
    Specifies the time and the date the virtual machine was created. This field is automatically generated.
    Updated on
    Specifies the time and date of the last change to the virtual machine.
    Virtual CPU
    Provides the graphic and numeric percentage of available CPUs that are used by this virtual machine. The number of virtual CPUs that are available is determined by the pattern that was used to create the virtual system instance or virtual application instance that is associated with this virtual machine. The default number of virtual CPUs for a virtual machine is 1.
    Virtual Memory
    Provides the graphic and numeric percentage of available memory that is being used by this virtual machine. The amount of memory available is determined by the pattern that was used to create the virtual system instance or virtual application instance that is associated with this virtual machine. The default amount of virtual memory for a virtual machine is 2048 MB.
    Virtual disk statistics
    Specifies Read, Write, and Usage statistics of the virtual disk in Kilobits per second (KBps).
    Virtual network statistics
    Specifies Received, Transmitted, and Usage statistics of the network in KBps.
    In cloud group
    Specifies the cloud group where this virtual machine is located by providing a link to the cloud group details pane. You can click the link to display the details of the cloud group where this virtual machine is running.
    Restriction: To view the cloud group, you require one of the system level permissions.
    On compute node
    Specifies the compute node in which this virtual machine resides.
    Restriction: To view the compute node, you require one of the following permissions:
    • System level, Hardware administration role with permission to View all hardware resources (Read-only)
    • System level, Hardware administration role with permission to Manage hardware resources (Full permission)
    Virtual Appliance
    Specifies the virtual appliance in which this virtual machine resides. Click the virtual_appliance to display the Virtual Appliances pane.
    Restriction: To view the virtual appliance, you require one of the system level permissions.
    Virtual machine configurations
    Specifies configurations of this virtual machine.
    Virtual machine group
    Specifies the virtual machine group in which this virtual machine resides. Click the virtual_machine_group to display the Virtual Machine Groups pane.
    In data store
    Specifies the data store that this virtual machine uses.
    Restriction: To view the data store, you require one of the following permissions:
    • System level, Hardware administration role with permission to View all hardware resources (Read-only)
    • System level, Hardware administration role with permission to Manage hardware resources (Full permission)
    Operating system volumes
    Specifies the Total number and the number of Available operating system volumes in this virtual machine. Expand Operating system volumes to view the volume details, such as name, capacity, and state.
    Use the following procedure to when you want to expand the size of an operating system volume:
    1. Click the Expand icon for the selected operating system volume. Specify a size in GB that is greater than the previous size.
    2. When prompted to confirm that you want to expand the operating system volume, click Expand to proceed or Cancel to cancel the request. If you proceed, the operating system volume is expanded to the new size.
    3. Refresh the Operating system volumes pane to verify volume expansion.
    Lists the volumes that are currently attached to the virtual machine. Add volumes to provide more space for add-ons, database storage requirements, or application requirements. Select a volume from the Add more list to add it to the virtual machine.

    To avoid unexpected results, use a clustering service on the operating system to manage shared storage disks between multiple virtual machines.

    • A virtual machine can have a maximum of 15 volumes.
    • To view the volume, you require one of the system level permissions.
    • To add or remove a volume, you require the following permission:

      System level, Cloud group administration role with permission to Manage cloud resources (Full permission)

    A volume is not automatically partitioned and formatted on the virtual machine after you add it. Depending on the operating system, you might need to restart the virtual machine to enable the availability of the volume. After the volume becomes available, you must partition, format, and mount it. See the related links for more information about how to perform these tasks.

    Tip: You can also increase the storage space of a virtual machine by deleting files in the following directories without causing any impact to the deployed virtual machine:
    • /root/ese: This directory contains the installation media for the DB2 Enterprise virtual image.
    • /opt/IBM/maestro/ITM/logs: This directory contains the trace logs that are produced by the monitoring agents in the system. The monitoring agents retain a configurable number of trace logs before old logs are archived from this directory. To adjust the size and number of stored logs, modify the KBB_RAS1_LOG variable in the /opt/IBM/maestro/ITM/config/<pc>.ini file. For the <pc> variable, specify the product code for the agent that is being configured. For more information, see Using KBB_RAS1_LOG to Configure Diagnostic and Operations Logs.
    To delete the added disk, select it from the list and click Remove.
    IP addresses
    Specifies the IP addresses associated with this virtual machine. Click Add more to add an IP address. Click [remove] to remove an IP address. If IP addresses are not available, a message stating that "no IP addresses available" is displayed.
    • When you specify the IP address, this action reserves the IP address, associates it with the virtual machine, and ensures the virtual machine has enough network interfaces to use the new address. It does not re-configure network interfaces within the virtual machine. You must log in to the virtual machine and use it's operating system network commands to configure an interface to use the new address.
    • To view the data store, you require one of the system level permissions.
    Test connection
    Use this action to test the connection between IBM Cloud Pak System® Software and the deployed virtual machine.
    Restriction: To use this feature, you must be assigned the following permission:

    System level, Cloud group administration role with permission to View all cloud resources (Read-only permission)

    Access granted to
    The access control list for this virtual machine. Click admin to view the users that have access. Initially this field is set to the role of the owner of the virtual machine.

    You must not use the Add more entry field to modify access permissions for users or groups on the Virtual Machines page. If you do so, it does not update or modify the virtual system instance that is associated with the virtual machine, and it can even cause inconsistency with the overall function on this page.

    • To view all the access rights, you must be assigned the following permission:

      System level, Security administration role with permission to View all security resources (Read-only)

    • To edit access rights, you must be assigned the following permission:

      System level, Security administration role with permission to Manage security (Full permission)