Viewing IP group reports

View, customize and print reports for each IP group so you can review details such as: IP usage peaks, averages, and so on.

Before you begin

You must be assigned the Cloud group administration role with permission to View all cloud resources (Read-only) to perform these steps.

About this task

You can use the console, the command line interface, or the REST API to complete this task. For the command line and REST API information, see the Related information section.


  1. You can choose one of the following methods to view IP group reports:
    1. Click Cloud > Architecture > IP Groups Select the IP group for which you want to view reports. Click the Report icon in the toolbar.
      The Machine Activity page is displayed in a new tab with a list of reports in the left pane with IP Usage by IP Group automatically selected.
    2. Click Reports > Machine Activity. Choose the IP Usage by IP Group report.
  2. Optional: Customize the reports in the following ways:
    • The report provides two different graphs and the currently displayed graph can be changed by clicking on one of the tabs above the graph: Pool Size, Allocated. The following individual data sets can be displayed on each graph:
      • Daily average
      • Daily peak
      • Trend
      • Capacity
    • Click the column header to sort the data in that column. Clicking the column header sorts the data in ascending order, or if the table is already sorted by that column, toggles between ascending and descending order. The data is sorted alphabetically or numerically, depending on the type.
    • From the table, right-click any of the table column headings to add or remove data from the table. For example, to add an IP group column, right-click a column and select the IP Group check box. To remove the IP group column header, right-click the column and deselect the IP Group check box.
    • Select the filters that you want to use.
      • From the Column Name menu, select the filter criteria for columns that you want to display. The column headers that you can choose are listed as follows:
        • IP Group
        • State
        • Cloud Group
        • Version
        • Subnet Size
        • Pool Size
        • Total Allocated
        • 30-day average Allocation
        • 30-day peak Allocation
        • Available
      • The filter criteria is displayed in the Chosen Filter Criteria menu. You can select all or one filter criteria. Each entry in the Chosen Filter Criteria menu is separated by a semi-colon.
      • Select a comparator filter from the Comparator menu. You can select one of the following comparator filters:
        • starts with
        • does not start with
        • equals
        • does not equal
        • ends with
        • does not end with
        • is blank
        • is not blank
        • greater than
        • less than
        • combine by
        The filter criteria is displayed in the comparator in the Chosen Filter Criteria menu.
      • Enter the value in the Desired Value menu.

      Click Add after you have made the customized settings.

    • Click Clear to remove the filter criteria and show all of the rows in this report.
    • Click Print to print the report. The table opens in a new tab or window and the printer dialogue displays. Select a printer or cancel the print job, and view the table in the new tab or window.

What to do next

Review the reports and make necessary adjustments to IP groups.