Managing deployment subdomains in a multisystem environment

Create and configure one or more deployment subdomains in your management domain configuration that defines the local and remote locations that are used in a multisystem environment.

Up to four locations in the management domain can be further grouped into a deployment subdomain. Locations in the same deployment subdomain add the additional capability to share multi-cloud environment profiles and to deploy multisystem pattern instances. You can define any number of deployment subdomains within a management domain. A deployment subdomain is used for deploying instances from a single pattern across multiple Cloud Pak System Systems.

Note that only a single multisystem operation can run in the management domain at one time. If you try to start an operation when another is in progress, you will receive an error message. Multisystem operations include actions like adding a new location to the management domain, creating or deleting a subdomain, and adding locations to a subdomain.