System Monitoring shared service

The System Monitoring shared service provides the monitoring infrastructure that allows monitoring agents to collect performance and availability information. You can use this information to troubleshoot your system and make business decisions regarding your hardware and service usage.

Environment profile impacts

The System Monitoring shared service can be deployed once in a multi-cloud environment profile and then be made available for use as a reference to other multi-cloud environment profiles where the System Monitoring shared service is not deployed.

The following middleware System Monitoring shared services need to be deployed in the environment profiles that they need to be used in along with either a deployment or a reference of the System Monitoring shared service:
  • System Monitoring for Db2® Application Server service
  • System Monitoring for HTTP Servers service
  • System Monitoring for Liberty service
  • System Monitoring for SOA
  • System Monitoring for WebSphere® Application server service
  • System Monitoring for WebSphere Message Broker service
  • System Monitoring for WebSphere MQ service

Monitoring client deployments in environment profiles where the shared service is deployed and where they are available can then use the shared service to report monitoring data to.

For the System Monitoring for DataPower® shared service, a deployed instance or a reference to the deployed System Monitoring shared service should be present in the same multi-cloud environment profile that the System Monitoring for DataPower shared service is deployed to. If a reference to the System Monitoring shared service is present, when that reference is deleted you must manually delete the instances being monitored from the System Monitoring for DataPower shared service. Otherwise, the System Monitoring portal continues to show those instances.

For patterns other than IBM® DataPower, the System Monitoring portal clears the middleware monitoring entries in 24 hours when the System Monitoring shared service references are deleted from the environment profiles where the middleware is running.