Service Component Elements workspace
This workspace lists performance metrics for all the service components and their elements. Service components contain one or more elements, which are sets of different steps processed in each service component. In turn, each element has its own set of event natures, which are key points that are reached when processing a service component element.
This workspace displays data provided by the Service Component Elements attributes.
- This workspace reports blanks for resource data on the first invocation if PMI data collection is configured for on-demand sampling (that is, if your site set configuration value Resource Data Collection Method to On Demand) or if you have not yet run applications that generate PMI resource data. To report resource data in this workspace after installing and configuring the Data Collector, use the WebSphere® administrative console to set the appropriate PMI instrumentation level.
- Because of high overhead, the monitoring agent provides on demand sampling by default. To activate PMI monitoring, you must first select this workspace and then select it again later. Each time you select the workspace, it displays the data collected during the interval between selections.
The predefined workspace contains the following items:
- Worst Service Times bar chart, which shows the numbers of the Average Response Time in milliseconds
- Most Invocations bar chart, which shows the numbers of the invocations per second
- Most Failures bar chart, which shows the numbers of the failed invocation counts
- Service Component Elements report, which shows aggregated data about the average response time, failed count, success count, error rate, and request rate.
Accessing the Service Component Elements workspace
access this workspace from the Service Components workspace, use one
of the following procedures:
- Within the Navigator, click the Service Components entry; then, from the menu, click Workspace > Service Component Elements.
- From the primary IBM® Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal menu, click View > Workspace > Service Component Elements.