Application Server Summary and Business Process Manager Summary workspaces

The Application Server Summary workspace provides summary monitoring information for a WebSphere® Application Server. The Business Process Manager Summary workspace provides summary monitoring information for a Business Process Manager Server. These workspaces are identical and contain the Application Server - Resources view and the Applications Server - Applications view.

Application server - Resources View

The Application server - Resources view contains the following icons:
  • OS
  • JVM
  • Datasource
  • Threadpool
  • Services

If the Monitoring Agent for SOA is installed on the monitored Business Process Manager server, right-click any resource and select Operation Flow for Application Server to view the Operation Flow for Application Server workspace, provided by the Monitoring Agent for SOA. In this workspace, you can see the topology for all components running on the server.

OS icon

The OS icon provides summary metrics for machine CPU and paging metrics. The flyover for the OS icon displays the following metrics:
  • System CPU (ms)
  • System Paging Rate (Kbytes/sec)
  • Number of problem situations
  • List of top 10 situations
When you double-click the OS icon, the following subsidiary views display in the OS Stack workspace:
  • Current OS stack summary
  • CPU used
  • System Paging

JVM icon

The JVM icon flyover provides summary metrics for: CPU for the JVM process, garbage collection, and heap metrics. The flyover information for the JVM icon displays the following metrics:
  • JVM CPU%
  • GC Active Time (ms)
  • List of top 10 situations
When you double-click the JVM icon, the following subsidiary views display in the JVM Stack Trend workspace:
  • JVM CPU Trend
  • Percent GC time used
  • Heap Usage trend

Datasources icon

The Datasources icon flyover provides summary metrics for JDBC, JMS, JCA, and JTA, it also indicates the number of problem situations. When you double-click the Datasource icon, the following subsidiary views display in the Datasources workspace:
  • Worst Datasource Query Times
  • Worst Datasource Update Times
  • Datasources - Current Interval

Threadpool icon

The Threadpool icon flyover provides summary metrics for threadpool information including the number of problem situations. When you double-click the Threadpool icon, the following subsidiary views are displayed in the Threadpools workspace:
  • Highest Average Pool Sizes
  • Average thread pool usage
  • Threadpools table

Services icon

The Services icon flyover provides summary metrics for web services, Workload Management, and System Integration Bus. When you double-click the Services icon:
  • for Portal, Services icon takes you to web Services which has the following views:
    • Worst Response Times
    • Most Popular
    • Web Services
    • Web Service Gateway
  • for Lotus®, the Services icon takes you to Workload Management which has these views:
    • WLM Server Incoming Requests
    • WLM Client Outgoing Requests
    • Workload Management Server
    • Workload Management Client

Application server - Applications View

In this view, there is an icon per application. The flyover for an Application icon displays the following metrics:
  • Average Response Time (ms)
  • Request Rate (Req/Sec)
  • Error Rate (Errors/sec)
  • Monitoring Level
  • Number of problem Situations
  • List of top 10 situations

If Monitoring Agent for SOA Version 7.2 is installed on the monitored Business Process Manager server, right-click any application and select Selected Application - Group Summary to view the Group Summary workspace, provided by the monitoring agent. In this workspace, you can see the status of all process groups that include any components or operations that are a part of the selected application.

When you double-click an Application icon, the following subsidiary views are displayed in either the Application Trend at L1 or Application Trend at L2/L3 workspace:
  • Response Time Trend
  • Error Rate Trend
  • Request Rate Trend
  • Selected Application Summary: Application Name

Application Server Summary and Business Process Manager Summary workspaces

To access the workspaces, complete the following steps:

  1. Within the Navigator, expand Windows Systems, Linux® Systems, z/OS® Systems, or UNIX Systems, as appropriate for the node you are monitoring.
  2. Within the node list, expand the entry that corresponds to the node that you want to select.
  3. Within that node list of monitored applications, expand the list of WebSphere agents.
  4. Within the list of available agents, click a WebSphere Application Server or Business Process Manager entry.