Linking to a workspace

Use these steps to link to a workspace that has been targeted from the current Navigator item or view.

About this task

Many monitoring agent products have workspace links available through their predefined workspaces. You can also create and use links to workspaces that follow a logical progression of investigation into performance and operation issues.


  1. Open the workspace from where you will launch the link.
    This is the source workspace.
  2. Do one of the following, depending on where the link originates:
    • Right-click the current (highlighted) Navigator item.
    • Click the Link anchorlink indicator on a table row or the graphic view, then skip to step 4. (A dimmed link indicator means the link is not available from that row.)
    • Right-click a pie chart slice, bar chart bar, plot chart point, table row, graphic view icon, or TMS Infrastructure object.
  3. Click Link To and click the target workspace in the Link list.
    The target filter or link expression is used to select the information displayed in the views of the target workspace. If, instead of the workspace opening, you get a "Target not found" message, the definition of the target workspace could not be resolved.
  4. If there is more than one workspace you can link to, the Select Target window opens: Select the Navigator item for the workspace and click OK.
  5. If a message asks you to select a leaf node, click OK, then select an item deeper in the tree hierarchy.


The target workspace is displayed. If the link was defined to open the workspace in a new window, it is opened in its own window. If you are using the browser client and your browser supports tabs, the workspace is in a new tab next to the source workspace.
Note: Navigation using Go back and Go forward to visited workspaces retains the link context. As an example, consider a link to a workspace from a table row. The row from which you linked is remembered when you revisit the target workspace.