Custom workspace options and guidelines
The Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal has over a dozen types of views that you can populate a workspace with. Over half of the views are query-based and have a number of embellishments that you can use to observe potential and existing threshold conditions and other metrics.
Workspace changes
You can make these types of changes to a workspace:- Split a view horizontally or vertically into two separate views.
- Change the dimensions of the views by dragging the borders between them.
- Rearrange views by clicking a view's title bar and dragging it another view space. When you release the mouse button, the views switch position.
- Maximize the view and, if you like, save the workspace while it is still full-screen.
- Change a view to a different type, such as from a pie chart to a gauge.
- Edit the workspace
properties, such as to make it the default workspace.
- Edit the
properties of the individual views to control their styles and, in table and chart views, what data they display.
- Build a link to another workspace so that you can jump to it from this one quickly.
- Save a copy of the current workspace and edit the copy.
Any changes you make to a workspace are available only to you; no one else will see your changes. The exception is with workspaces that were updated by an administrator while in workspace administration mode, where the changes to that workspace are shared with all users who log on to the same portal server.
Predefined workspaces are protected from editing. You must use File > Save As to create your own copy for customization.
Design guidelines
These are the changes you can make to a workspace that are saved with it:- Display a view full screen.
- Resize views by dragging the borders.
- Swap location with another view by dragging by its title bar to the new position.
- Workspace link definitions.
- Arrange the order of workspaces in the workspace gallery. This gets saved with all workspaces for a Navigator item.
- Tailor the content of a workspace to the Navigator level: Workspaces at the top of the hierarchy can show summary information; those at lower levels can provide more in-depth information.
- Provide summary information at the agent level of the Navigator Physical view.
- Use custom queries that pre-filter the data used in a table or chart to ensure fastest data retrieval and that you see no extraneous data. And use as few different queries as possible in one workspace.
- Design for a specific monitor resolution. If you are creating in workspace administration mode for multiple users, use 1024 x 768, which is the lowest resolution on which the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal can run.
- Do not crowd too much information in one workspace. Instead, have multiple workspaces at one level or links from one workspace to the next.
- For table views with many columns, arrange them so the important ones are visible. Consider removing some columns by pre-filtering (Properties - Query) or post-filtering (Properties - Filters).
- Consider combining tables with charts in a workspace for the most effective style layout.
- If you edit a predefined workspace or one created in administration mode, you can restore the original through File > Restore Original Workspace. The customized version is overwritten by the original. If you want to keep both the customized workspace and the original, save the customized workspace with a new name before restoring the original.
- The managed systems available for reporting are those assigned
to the Navigator item. If you are not sure which are assigned, select
the Navigator item, right-click the item, and click
- The CLI has several tacmds specific to workspaces:
- deleteWorkspace to delete a workspace by its objectid from the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal Server
- listWorkspaces to list all of the workspaces, including objectid, on the portal server
- exportWorkspaces to export one or more portal workspace definitions to a file
- importWorkspaces to import the workspaces definitions in a file into the portal server