
The Extensions tab displays the Wait until a situation is False activity, On Demand Report activity, Send an email activity, and activities associated with Tivoli® Application Dependency Discovery Manager (TADDM) integration.

Wait until a situation is false Wait until a situation is False
Waits for the state of a specified situation to change from true back to false, which causes the open event to close. The event closes automatically when the agent is next sampled (determined by the situation sampling interval) and the condition is no longer true.

Wait until a situation is False is useful for policies you want to repeat but only when the state returns to false. An example would be a repeating policy that uses an emitter activity to generate a trouble ticket when CPU activity is high. If this condition continues beyond the 30-minute sampling interval, a new trouble ticket would be generated every 30 minutes. To prevent this from happening the user adds a Wait until a situation is False activity to the end of the workflow, so the policy will not restart until the situation has gone to false, then true again.

End code choices for starting the next activity: Situation is false; Error.
Note: This activity does not apply to manual event closures.
Configure Configure Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager Integration
This activity is the first step in establishing communication with a TADDM server. There must be one Configuration Tivoli Application Dependency Manager Integration activity for each TADDM server you want to update.
End code choices: Success; Error.
See Configure Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager Integration.
Send a Tivoli Application Dependency Discover Manager update Send a Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager Update
Sends information in response to a triggered situation to a TADDM server (previously specified in a Configure Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager Integration activity). Use this activity to notify TADDM of resource changes in your monitoring environment. The requests sent can include returned situation data or information from On Demand Report activities.
End code choices: Success; Error.
See Send a Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager Update.
On demand report On Demand report
Sends an on-demand request to retrieve attribute data for a specified monitoring agent report. You can specify filters to be used in the request, limiting data to the situation that triggered the workflow.
End code choices: Success; Error.
See On Demand Report.
Send an email Send an email
Sends an email to a single recipient in response to a triggered situation event or activity in your workflow.
End code choices: Success; Error.
See Send an email.
Connector Connector
Adds connecting lines from one activity to the next to control the workflow of the policy.
You can have a single connector from an activity, and you can have multiple connectors from an activity so long as each connector links to a separate activity. Multiple connectors to an activity are processed using AND logic.
When you join activities using the Connector tool, you assign an end code to each connection. As you click and drag from one activity to the next one in succession, a window opens from which you select a link condition. The possible conditions (end codes) resulting from the source activity that will invoke the target activity are listed in the window. For example, if you are connecting a Wait until a situation is True activity and choose Situation is true as the link condition, the target activity will begin executing when the situation becomes true.