Area chart
Use the area chart for showing trends over time among related attributes. The area chart is like the plot chart except that the area below the plotted line is completed with color to indicate volume.
After adding the chart, use the styling options in the Properties editor to refine the appearance. If the Properties editor is not open, click Edit properties in the view's title bar. The Style tab shows a thumbnail graphic of the chart with areas that you click to edit the corresponding options.
Header Label
Select the Header Label area of the thumbnail graphic in the Properties editor Style tab to add a title to the view, which shows in the view title bar. You can also apply the title as a view header, add a border, and change the text style. The default name is Pie Chart. See Header Label.Plot Area
Click the plot area in the thumbnail graphic to open these tabs: Area Chart, Chart Thresholds, and Chart Markers. See Plot Area.The
following screen captures are the same area chart showing % Processor Time, % Privileged Time, and % User Time. is the initial rendering. The
% Privileged Time value is almost completely obscured by the higher % User Time value. is the chart after moving the % Privileged Time column heading after % User
Time in the Properties editor Filters tab so that the highest value is
plotted first, followed by the next highest value, and then the lowest value. Now all the values are
revealed. is the chart after changing
Type to Stacking Area Chart
, whereby the values are stacked one upon
the other.