Adding a Universal Message Console view

Create a Universal Message Console view to see the messages produced at the hubCloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server. Situation and policy activities generate universal messages, such as when a situation has been created or deleted or a policy has been activated. The universal message console displays messages as they are received, one row per message.

Before you begin

Your user ID must have Workspace Author Mode permission to use this function.


  1. Open the workspace where you want the view to appear.
  2. If you want the view to occupy a new pane, click Split Vertically or Split Horizontally in one of the views.
  3. Click Universal Message Console.
  4. Click inside the view where you want the universal message console.


After you click, the old view is replaced by the universal message console. The view is updated as messages are received by the hub monitoring server from the managed systems assigned to this Navigator item. Universal messages that are produced at other locations, such as a remote monitoring server or an agent, are not displayed.


In this example, notice that the most recent entry shows a generated value rather than the situation name. In most cases the situation ID will reflect its display name, but when the name contains non-English text or special characters such as * asterisk and \ backslash, the situation ID will be a generated value.
Time Stamp Message Severity Category
10/06/11 10:37:32 Enterprise situation Z00000008000000C8AA5E7D5119420F: HUB_MYSERVER is true 0 K041041
10/06/11 07:10:00 Enterprise situation Blue_alert_at_Rome:HUB_MYSERVER is true 0 K041041
10/06/11 3:50:56 User guest logged off server SRVR01 0 KDSMA009
10/06/11 3:50:45 Monitoring for enterprise situation NT_System_File_Warning started. 0 KO41046
10/06/11 3:50:44 Enterprise situation NT_Process_CPU_Critical: Primary:TIVOLIUSER:NT<Rvscan> is true 0 KO41041
10/06/11 3:46:11 Logon successful to server SRVR01 user guest:ip.pipe:# 0 KDSMA011

What to do next

To match up a situation name with its ID, you can create a workspace with these two views: Universal Message Console; Message Log. The message log view will show the situation name with no restriction; the universal message console view will show the situation ID as needed. You can also specify generation of universal messages when creating a situation (Situation editor Action tab) or policy (Workflows editor Take action or Write message activity).