Adding column thresholds

You can decorate a cell in the table view (including event console, message log, and universal message views) with a background color, severity icon, or custom icon when the value exceeds a given threshold.

About this task

You can decorate a cell with a background color, severity icon, or custom icon by writing formula expressions that specify the threshold criteria and the indicators to use, such as Fatal threshold or Fatal threshold.
  1. If the Properties editor is not open, click Edit Properties Edit Properties in the table view title bar.
  2. Click the ThresholdsThresholds tab.
  3. If you want to place a severity icon in a threshold cell instead of a background color, select the Use Icons Option enabled check box.
  4. Click inside a cell in the Threshold Criticalcolumn (second column) to see and select from the list of severities.

    The seven predefined severities, from Fatal to Unknown, display in the list. If you are selecting an icon, also shown are any custom severity icons that were added to the portal server. The icons are ordered by their severity, from highest to lowest.

  5. In the same row as the selected highlight, click in a column cell and write the threshold expression for that attribute. This activates the editor and formula bar:

    Click Value if you want to change the function from the default Value of expression (or Compare date/time for time attributes) to another function.

    Click Equal if you want to change the relational operator from Equal to Not equal or to any other operator in the list.

    Click inside the text box to enter the threshold value. Enumerated attribute values, such as online or offline, have a List box list of possible choices.

  6. Click Test to evaluate the threshold expression and to see in the Preview area how the results will be displayed.
  7. Repeat steps 3 to 5 to add more threshold expressions to this or another column:

    The threshold expressions entered in the same row have an AND relationship. When a retrieved value satisfies all the expressions in a row, the cell will be highlighted.

    The threshold expressions in each row are independent; they have an OR relationship. If a retrieved value satisfies the conditions in more than one row, the cell will be highlighted with the highest severity.

  8. When the threshold formula is complete, save your changes by clicking Apply if you want to leave the Properties editor open or OK to close the editor.
  1. Values in the table that meet the threshold criteria are indicated by the severity background color or severity icon. You will notice a severity icon in the column heading of threshold cells. This is the highest threshold severity established for the column; click the icon to sort the view by severity.
  2. The scroll buttons indicate threshold cells that are outside the visible area. For example, Hot scroll button guides you to scroll right to see more informational threshold cells. Move the mouse pointer over a threshold cell to see the threshold criteria.
  3. In the event that multiple threshold expressions written for the same column become true at the same time, the severity with the highest value will be applied. If the same severity was applied (which is possible only if the icon was selected for one expression and its background color counterpart for the other), then the first row expression will determine the appearance. For example, if the icon was specified in row 2 of the formula editor and the background color in row 3, then the icon will be used.