Example: Using a script package to store the IP address of a shared service

The example script package runs a shell script to get the IP address of a sample shared service and write it to a file.


      "name": "Sample Script Package",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "description": "This script package will get the registry of a Sample Shared Service and then write it to a file",
      "command": "sh /opt/ssc_sp/main.sh",
      "log": "/opt/ssc_sp/log.log",
      "location": "/opt/ssc_sp",
      "timeout": "0"



python registryFinder.py "sample" "1.0" | sh repeater.sh



while read line ; do

        case "$line" in
        *"IP address = "*)
			# line mentions the IP address
			# cut the line to extract the ip address and output the result
                echo "$line" | cut -d "'" -f 2 >> ip.txt
                # line doesn't contain IP address



import sys # needed to point Python towards the shared service client
import os
import re

ssc_path = '/0config/nodepkgs/helper/scripts'
if not ssc_path in sys.path:
import sharedserviceclient

def find_IP(reg_info):
Finds the Sample Shared Service IP address in the registry information.
    str_info = str(reg_info)
	# pattern to find any ip addresses
    pat = r"\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+"
    match = re.search(pat, reg)
    if (match):
        return match.group(0)
        return None

ssname = sys.argv[1] # shared service name
caver = sys.argv[2] # client api version

reg = sharedserviceclient.getRegistry(ssname, caver)

if (reg == '{}'):
    print ssname + " not found (may not be deployed)"
    os.system('echo "' + ssname + ' not found (may not be deployed)" >> /opt/ssc_sp/log.log')
    sys.exit(ssname + " not found (may not be deployed)")

# sample shared service is in place
sip = find_IP(reg)

if (sip is None):
    print "Unable to find IP address in response"
    os.system('echo "Unable to find IP address in response" >> /opt/ssc_sp/log.log')
    sys.exit("Unable to find IP address in response")

print "Found " + ssname + " - IP address = '" + sip + "'"
os.system('echo "Found ' + ssname + ' - IP address = \'"' + sip + '"\'" >> /opt/ssc_sp/log.log')