Importing the hello sample pattern type

Import the hello sample pattern type to the Cloud Pak System Software for Power® catalog and then deploy a virtual application that is based on the pattern type.


  1. Click Catalog > Pattern Types.
  2. Click the + icon in the toolbar. The Install a pattern type window displays.
  3. On the Local tab, click Browse. Select the hello-x.x.x.x.tgz file, and click Open. The name of the .tgz file is displayed in the Local tab; click OK to start the installation.

    When the installation process completes, the pattern type, Hello Sample Pattern Type, is displayed in the Pattern Types pane.

  4. Select Hello Sample Pattern Type pattern type from the list.
    The pattern type details display on the right.
  5. On the detail pane, click Accept to accept the license agreement if the license is not yet accepted.
  6. On the detail pane, click Enable to enable the pattern type.

What to do next

Deploy a virtual application that is based on the hello sample pattern type. A sample virtual application pattern and virtual application template are provided so that you can easily deploy a virtual application that is based on the hello sample pattern type.