Deploying a WAS CE sample virtual application pattern

Deploy one of the WAS CE sample virtual application patterns so that you can use it as a guide to create your own custom plug-ins.

Before you begin

The IBM® Db2® with BLU Acceleration® Pattern is not installed to the system by default. If you want to use the deploy database function in the Sample WAS CE Web application, you must download the IBM Db2 with BLU Acceleration Pattern from IBM Passport Advantage® and import it to the system. After you import the pattern to the system, accept the license agreement and enable it. If you attempt to deploy the sample application and the IBM Db2 with BLU Acceleration Pattern pattern is not installed, the deployment will fail. For more information about downloading and importing pattern types, see the Related tasks.


  1. Click Patterns > Virtual Application Patterns.
  2. In the list of pattern types, select WASCE Sample Pattern.
    The list of templates displays.
  3. Select the one of the WAS CE Sample Patterns: WAS CE elastic scaling Web application, WAS CE Java™ EE Web application, WAS CE sample Web application, or WAS CE Web application with routing policy.
    Note: The description of the application provides the URL for the application after it is deployed, such as http://[IP address]:8080/sample.
  4. Click Deploy in the toolbar.
    The Deploy Virtual Application dialog box displays.
  5. Select the IP type and target for the deployment.
  6. Click OK.
    The virtual application pattern is deployed.
  7. Click Patterns > Virtual Application Instances to view the deployed virtual application instance.
  8. Select the virtual application instance.
  9. In the details pane, find the virtual machine with in the list of virtual machines. It has the name Web_Application-wasce.XXXX, where XXXX is a set of digits. The Public IP column lists the IP address for the virtual machine, which you use to form the URL for the application as provided in the application description.

What to do next

To explore the sample virtual application pattern in more detail, you can create a clone of it and then customize the clone before you deploy it.