Accepting licenses and enabling pattern types

Before you can create or extend patterns, you must accept the license agreement for each pattern type that you plan to use.

Before you begin

You must be assigned the Create new catalog content role or the Workload resources administration role with full permissions to complete this task.

About this task

You can use the console, the command line interface, or the REST API to complete this task. For the command line and REST API information, see the Related information section.


  1. Click Catalog > Pattern Types. If you are on, click Pattern development > Components > Pattern Types.
  2. You must accept the license agreement for each pattern type that you want to use. To accept the pattern license agreement:
    1. Select a pattern type.
    2. In the License Agreement field, click Accept.
    3. After you read the license agreement, click Accept.
    4. Click Enable to change the pattern type status to Available.
    Attention: By default, you do not have to accept a license for the foundation pattern type, but you must enable this pattern type. You can use the Enable All action in the Pattern Types pane to enable the foundation pattern type when you accept the license for a pattern type.