Unique names for monitoring components

Learn about unique names for monitoring components.

About this task

IBM® Tivoli® Monitoring might not be able to generate a unique name for monitoring components because of the truncation of names that the product automatically generates.

IBM Tivoli Monitoring automatically creates a name for each monitoring component by concatenating the subsystem name, host name, and product code separated by colons (subsystem_name:hostname:UD).
Important: When you monitor a multinode system, such as a database, IBM Tivoli Monitoring adds a subsystem name to the concatenated name, typically a database instance name.
The length of the name that IBM Tivoli Monitoring generates is limited to 32 characters. Truncation can result in multiple components having the same 32-character name. If this problem happens, shorten the hostname portion of the name as follows:


  1. Open the configuration file for the DB2® agent, which is located in the following path:
    • On Windows systems: install_dir\tmaitm6\KUDCMA_instance.ini.
    • On UNIX and Linux® systems: 1.
  2. Find the line that begins with CTIRA_HOSTNAME=.
  3. Type a new name for host name that is a unique, shorter name for the host computer. The final concatenated name including the subsystem name, new host name, and UD, cannot be longer than 32 characters.
    Remember: You must ensure that the resulting name is unique with respect to any existing monitoring component that was previously registered with the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Restart the agent.
  6. If you do not find the files mentioned in Step 1, perform the workarounds listed in the next paragraph.


If you do not find the files mentioned in the preceding steps, uninstall the DB2 agent, and install the DB2 agent again.

1 install_dir/config/ud.ini