Cloning virtual system templates

You can clone a virtual system template to create a copy that you can edit and customize. The template is added to the catalog.

Before you begin

You must be assigned the Create new catalog content role or the Workload resources administration role with full permissions to complete this task.


  1. Click Catalog > Virtual System Templates.
  2. Select a virtual system template and click Clone in the Actions column.
  3. Provide the following information about the new virtual system template:
    Enter a unique name for the template in the Name field.
    Virtual images
    Select a different virtual image than the image that is used in template for any of the virtual images that are in the template as needed.
  4. Click OK.
    The cloned template displays on the Virtual System Templates page.
    Note: During the pattern cloning process, the password fields are cleared and the passwords are not copied from the original pattern during cloning. You must re-enter the password in the password fields during deployment. It is applicable to users at all access levels including read, write, and all.