Installing IBM JDK security fix on a Db2 virtual system instance

Apply the IBM JDK security fix included in IBM JDK Java Technology Edition on a Db2® virtual system instance that is deployed on IBM Cloud Pak System to address the vulnerabilities.

Note: As a prerequisite, keep the virtual system instance in maintenance mode and then resume the virtual system instance after you do the steps to apply the IBM JDK security fix.

Applying IBM JDK on Db2 HADR deployment

To apply IBM JDK on Db2 HADR deployment, do these steps.
  1. SSH and log in as the db2 instance user into the primary and standby virtual machines (VM) of the deployed IBM Db2 virtual system instance. For example:
    # su – db2inst1
  2. Disable the IBM Db2 high availability instance configuration utility by running the following command on the standby virtual machine.
    # db2haicu -disable
  3. Disable the IBM Db2 high availability instance configuration utility by running the following command on the primary virtual machine.
    # db2haicu -disable
  4. Stop the database on the primary virtual machine. For example, run the following command:
    # db2 stop hadr on db <database_name>
  5. Stop the database on the standby virtual machine. For example, run the following command:
    # db2 stop hadr on db <database_name>
  6. Install IBM JDK. For more information, see Instructions for IBM JDK Installation for a security related fix.
    Note: The directory path that is specified on the page contains the folder name as “ibm” and “IBM” in some places, which is not consistent. Read the folder name as “ibm” everywhere.
  7. Start the database on the standby virtual machine by running the following command as standby:
    # db2 start hadr on db <database_name>
  8. Start the database on the primary virtual machine by running the following command as primary:
    # db2 start hadr on db <database_name>
  9. Enable the IBM Db2 high availability instance configuration utility on the standby virtual machine by running the following command:
    # db2haicu

Applying IBM JDK on an IBM Db2 single virtual machine deployment

To apply IBM JDK on an IBM Db2 single virtual machine deployment, do these steps.
  1. SSH and log in as the db2 instance user into the virtual machines of the deployed IBM Db2 virtual system instance. For example, run the following command:
    # su – db2inst1
  2. Install IBM JDK. For more information, see Instructions for IBM JDK Installation for a security related fix.
    Note: The directory path that is specified on the page contains the folder name as “ibm” and “IBM” in some places, which is not consistent. Read the folder name as “ibm” everywhere.