Stop_WebSphere_Server: Stop a WebSphere Application Server
Use the Stop_WebSphere_Server command to stop an application server.
Command syntax
If invoked from the Navigator's WebSphere Agent entry, the syntax is:
YN:StopAppSvr server_name user password
where server_name is the WebSphere® server name, and user and password are your own WebSphere Application Server identifiers set through the WebSphere administrative console (required only if WebSphere global security is enabled).
If, however, this command is invoked from a subnode of the Navigator's WebSphere agent entry, the syntax is:
YN:StopAppSvr user password
where user and password are your own WebSphere Application Server identifiers set through the WebSphere administrative console; these are required only if WebSphere global security is enabled. (In this case, server_name is not required because the subnode name, or server name, is already known.)