Managed System Status workspace

The Managed System Status workspace is one of the predefined workspaces for the Enterprise Navigator item, and offers a high level overview of your managed network. The workspace has a single view: Managed System Status table view.

Accessing the workspace

To open the Managed System Status workspace, take the following steps:
  1. Click the Enterprise Navigator item to open its default workspace.
  2. Click Workspace gallery Workspace gallery, then click the thumbnail graphic for Managed System Status.

What the workspace shows

The Managed System Status table view is a list of monitoring agents in your managed network. The Status column reports the ONLINE or OFFLINE status of the agent, with offline agents shown first.

An agent that has actually been removed from the monitored environment might appear to be offline. You can remove the display of the offline agent from the view and from the Navigator by right-clicking the table row and clicking Clear offline entry.

The CQ agent might be displayed in the table results. The CQ agent is a monitoring agent for the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal Server and is not the actual Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal Server component. The status of this agent does not correlate to the status of the actual portal server. If this agent displays an offline status, there might have been a problem starting the agent or the monitoring server might not have completed refreshing.

Links to Agent Operations Log workspace and Audit Log workspace
Right-click the link at the beginning of a row to select what log workspace you want to view. The log workspace is filtered to show only the messages that have been logged for the selected managed system.
Tip: If you click the link (instead of a right-click), the agent operations log is displayed by default. You must right-click in order to see the Audit Log option.
Here is an example of a link from the hub monitoring server row:
Managed System Status
  Status Name Product Version Managing System Timestamp
*ONLINE HUB_IBM-WIN1 EM 06.23.00 HUB_IBM-WIN1 01/31/11 17:00:01
The targeted Agent Operations Log displays the following information:
Table view Agent Operations Log
Global Timestamp Message Number Message Text
01/31/11 17:08:29 KDSPA004 Logon validation failed. User SYSADMIN ip.pipe:#9.99.9...
The targeted Audit Log displays the following information:
Table view Audit Log
Timestamp Origin Message Result User ID Authorization ID
01/31/11 03:42:32 HUB_IBM-WIN1 ITM Audit services started. 0 SYSTEM SYSTEM
01/31/11 19:46:46 HUB_IBM-WIN1 Self-describing Agent Feature enabled at the local TEMS. 0   SYSTEM

Audit Log workspace

The Audit Log workspace displays audit events for self-describing agent related events, Warehouse Proxy Agent events, Tivoli® Application Dependency Discovery Manager integration events, stop events, and start events. Audit records are stored in two formats. Audit records are stored as pure events in the ITM Audit attribute group and also in an XML formatted audit.log.

The Audit Log workspace displays the audit records stored in the ITM Audit attribute table. You can collect data from this table historically in the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server warehouse. You may also define situations to monitor the data in this table.

Tip: To quickly assess errors, look under the Result column for row entries with non-zero values (0 indicates a success, so any other value indicates an error). Then look at the information in the other columns to further research the error.
The audit data is normalized and based on the IBM W7 language and collected in the Audit Log table and stored in an XML format on distributed systems and in the SMF facility on z/OS. Each audit data event record answers the following questions:
Questions Key attributes
Who: The user, application, or process that initiated the event Authorization ID, Entity, RunAs, System Name, User ID
What: The type of action the event represents See the Operation attributes
When: The time the event occurred Timestamp
On What: The database, application, file, or permission that was manipulated See the Object attributes
Where: The machine that the event occurred See the Origin attributes
Where from: The system that is the source of the event See the Source attributes
Where to: The targeted system of the event See the Target attributes
Results: The event status and associated message Resource Bundle Key, Result, Message
By default, the Audit log workspace shows audit records generated since the component was last started. In order to view audit events that occurred before the component was last restarted, you must configure the ITM Audit attribute group to collect historical data. To configure historical collection for the ITM Audit attribute complete the following steps:
  1. Click History Configuration, then select CCC Logs under Monitored Applications.
  2. Configure how long to keep Detailed data for the ITM Audit attribute group available locally.
    1. In the Select Attribute Group section, select ITM Audit.
    2. In the Configuration Controls section under Pruning select Detailed data and specify how long to keep the data.
    3. Click Apply.
  3. Create a History Collection setting for the ITM Audit attribute group.
    1. Right-click CCC Logs under Monitored Applications and select Create new collection settings.
    2. Supply a Name, Description and select the ITM Audit Attribute group.
    3. If you plan to historically collect monitoring server Audit records, on the Basic tab you must specify Collection Location: TEMS.
    4. On the Distribution tab, Distribute to Managed System (Agent) and then select the Managed System Group or systems to start collection on.
    5. Click OK.