Viewing monitoring data for an internal System Monitoring shared service

IBM® Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal gives you access to the data that is collected by the monitoring agents. You can open the portal from the user interface.

Before you begin

You can open the IBM Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal if you have deployed an internal System Monitoring shared service in IBM Cloud Pak System Software.

Ensure that you have Oracle Java™ Version 1.8 Update 281 installed on the computer on which you open the IBM Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal.
The browser link that opens the IBM Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal does not work unless the system can resolve the host name. To resolve this problem, do either of the following tasks:
  • Configure the Domain Name System server (DNS server) with the IP address of the IBM Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal
  • Add an entry to the hosts file, which is located in the %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (Windows) or /etc/hosts (UNIX) directories.
Note: The IBM Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal supports only 32-bit Java Runtime Environments (JRE).

About this task

Use one of the following ways to open the IBM Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal:
  • If you have deployed an instance of the System Monitoring shared service to a Cloud group, see information about viewing data for Cloud groups in the Related tasks section.
  • If you have deployed a virtual application instance, see information about viewing monitoring data for virtual application instances in the Related tasks section.

After you open the IBM Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal, the monitoring data that is presented to you depends on the security roles that you are assigned.

If you are assigned one of the following roles, when you open the IBM Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal, you are added to the Monitoring Administrator group, authorizing you to see the physical view and monitoring data for all deployments in the Cloud group:

  • Cloud group administration role with permission to View all cloud groups (Read-only permission)
  • Hardware administration role with permission to Manage hardware resources (Full permission)
  • Workload resources administration role with permission to Manage workload resources (Full permission)

For a list of tasks that you can do as a member of the Monitoring Administrator group, see information about system administrator tasks in the Related information section.

If you are assigned one of the following roles, when you open the IBM Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal, you will be added to the Monitoring Operator group, authorizing you to see the monitoring data for all deployments in the Cloud group:

  • Cloud group administration role with permission to View all cloud groups (Read-only)
  • Hardware administration role with permission to View all hardware resources (Read-only)
  • Workload resources administration role with permission to View all workload resources (Read-only)

If you are assigned the Cloud user role, when you open the IBM Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal, you will be added to the monitoring user group, authorizing you to see the monitoring data for the deployments that you created.

If you are granted access to deployments by their owner, when you open the IBM Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal, you will be added to the monitoring user group, authorizing you to see the monitoring data for the deployments for which you have access.