Viewing monitoring data collected for an external System Monitoring shared service

If you deploy an instance of an external System Monitoring shared service to a cloud group, you can access the data collected by the monitoring agents for the cloud group or environment profile.


  1. Click Patterns > Shared Services Instances. If you are on, click Patterns > Manage > Shared Service Instances. The Shared Service Instances page displays a list of shared service instances that are currently available. The list is displayed in a table format, providing some basic details about each instance.
    The following functions are available for you to work with the list of shared service instances:
    Refreshes the status of the shared service instances and updates the fields on the Shared Service Instances page.
    Create New
    Click Create New to create a new shared service instance.
    Enter a term that is used to filter the shared service instances that display on the page.
  2. Select the instance of the external System Monitoring shared service for which you want to view monitoring data.
    Details about the shared service display in the Shared Service Instances pane.
  3. Expand the Virtual machine perspective section.
    A list of virtual machines is displayed.
  4. Click the Monitor link in the VM Status column or the Middleware Status column.
  5. Enter your user ID and password to access Tivoli® Enterprise Portal.


Tivoli Enterprise Portal opens and you are presented with the data collected by the monitoring agents for the cloud group or environment profile.