Forwarding the event to an EIF receiver

When situation event forwarding has been configured in your monitoring environment, a default Event Integration Facility receiver is assigned and the severity of forwarded events matches the state specified for the situation. The EIF tab of the Situation editor enables you to specify the severity and the EIF receiver or receivers the event shall be forwarded to, or to disable event forwarding for a situation.

About this task

Note: The EIF tab shows in the Situation editor only if the hub monitoring server has been configured to forward events.


  1. In the Situation editor, click the EIF tab.
  2. Select Empty check boxForward Events to an EIF Receiver to send an EIF event for every event that opens for this situation or clear the check box if you prefer not to forward events that open for this situation.
  3. Select the EIF Severity of forwarded events.
    <Default EIF Severity> causes the event severity that is set for the situation at this Navigator item to be applied to the EIF event when Enabled check boxForward Events to an EIF Receiver is selected.

    If the situation event being forwarded has the Informational Informational severity, it will be seen as Harmless Harmless at the Tivoli Enterprise Console.

  4. Specify the EIF destinations for forwarded events:
    • To add a destination, select it from the Available EIF Receivers list and then click the Move to Assigned list left-arrow.
    • To remove a destination from the list, select it in the Assigned EIF Receivers list and click the Move to Available list right-arrow.
    EIF destinations are defined in the Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services application; or with the tacmd createEventDest command.
  5. If you want to customize how situation events are mapped to EIF events, click EIF Slot Customization.
    Using the EIF Slot Customization editor is only supported for events that are sent directly to an external EIF receiver.
  6. Select other tabs in the Situation editor to:
  7. When you are finished composing the situation, save your changes and start the situation by clicking Apply to keep the editor open; or by clicking OK to close the Situation editor.
    The Situation editor performs syntax checking on each expression you enter. If you entered an improper value for an attribute, such as "abc" for Disk Size, the cell turns red and the situation will not be saved until you correct the error.

    If you opened the Situation editor from the toolbar, the situation you just created will not be associated with any Navigator items and no event indicator is displayed when the situation becomes true. You must associate a situation with a Navigator item or change its state and click Apply.

    Situations are stored at the hub monitoring server. In the unlikely event that two users attempt to save a situation with the same name simultaneously, an error will occur, ensuring that one situation does not overwrite another.

  8. If the Distribution Change window is displayed, click OK to add the managed systems shown in the Required Managed Systems list to the distribution for this situation.