Configuring date and time settings

Use Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers to keep your system date and time synchronized with an external reference time.

Before you begin

You must be assigned the Hardware administration role with permission to Manage hardware resources (Full permission) to perform these steps.

About this task

The system connects to the NTP server through the system management network on port 123, so the NTP servers specified must be routable from that network.

Note: When the NTP server is set and its reference time is different from the system clock time, the system clock does not adjust immediately. Platform System Manager runs Network Time Protocol daemon Version 4 (NTPDv4), which adjusts the system clock to the reference time through a process that is called slewing, which means that the clock is adjusted in small increments, to minimize disruption of the running programs. For more information, see How NTP maintains a working time synchronization network and ntpd(8) - Linux man page.


  1. Click System > System Settings.
  2. Expand Date and Time.
    The current time and time zone are displayed:
    • The time that is displayed is from the Platform System Manager time set from the NTP servers.
    • The time zone that is displayed is based on the client time zone of the user that is logged in.
  3. Enter the IP address of the NTP server in the NTP server address field.
    You must enter an IP address. You cannot use the host name. In addition, these IP addresses are not editable. If you want to change it, you must delete the existing entry and add another one.
  4. Click Add.
    By default, no NTP servers are configured.
  5. Click Save.