Viewing details about shared service instances

View details about shared service instances.

Before you begin

  • To view details about shared service instances, you must be assigned either the Workload resources administration with full permissions or the cloud administrator role.
  • Shared services are shipped with the product and are included in the IBM® Foundation Pattern.
  • If you must perform operations through a shared service that impact the role status, ensure that the environment of the shared service is restored to the original status before you log out. For example, if you change the role status in a web application, the role is not reverted to its original state when the service is stopped.
Note: Expand or collapse the sections on the Shared Services Instances page to view or hide attributes.


  1. Click Patterns > Shared Services. If you are on, click .
  2. Select a shared service instance and review the information about it. Note, details provided will vary among shared service instances provided.
    Service version

    Unique shared service application model version in VRMF format; for example,

    Supported clients version

    List of supported client versions that can use this shared service.

    Shows the endpoint for the shared service instance.
    Shows the ID associated with the deployment.
    Shows the status and health status of the deployment.
    The status values are listed in the following table:
    Table 1. Possible status values for a deployment
    Status Deployment description Virtual machine description
    Error An error occurred during deployment. Check the logs and determine the cause of the error before you redeploy the virtual application. The virtual machine status.
    Failed The deployment process could not be started because of either the application configuration or a failure that is occurring in the infrastructure cloud. The virtual machine did not start successfully.
    Installing Not applicable The components of the virtual application are being provisioned on the virtual machine.
    Launching The virtual system is being deployed. The virtual machine is being provisioned on the infrastructure cloud.
    Not_Ready The shared service instance is in maintenance mode. The Not_Ready status does not apply to virtual machines.
    Queuing The deployment is scheduled for a date and time in the future.  
    Registering The virtual machine is being deployed by registering it with the hypervisor.  
    Running Resources are actively running in the infrastructure cloud. The components of the virtual system are running on the virtual machine and can be accessed.
    Saferunning For more information, see Agent is running in safe mode.  
    Starting The virtual machine is started.  
    Stopped The shared service instance is stopped. The virtual system can be made available again by starting the instance. The virtual machine is stopped and it can be restarted.
    Stopping The shared service instance is stopping. The virtual machine is being stopped.
    Stored The shared service instance is stored. No processor, memory, network, or data resources are reserved for stored instances. The virtual system can be started only if resources are available. The virtual machine is stored. It can be started only if resources are available.
    Storing The shared service instance is storing. The virtual machine is being stored.
    Terminated The shared service instance resources are deleted. History files are retained. The virtual machine is deleted and resources were released.
    Terminating The shared service instance resources are being deleted. The virtual machine is being deleted and its resources are released.
    Transferring Transferring the image to the hypervisor.  
    Unknown Status cannot be determined by IBM Workload Deployer (IWD) or IBM WebSphere® CloudBurst Appliance (WCA).  
    Unknown status Status cannot be determined by IWD or WCA.  
    Created by
    Shows the user who deployed the shared service instance.
    Created on
    Shows the date and time when the shared service instance was created.
    In cloud group
    Shows the cloud group the shared service instance virtual machines are running on.

    If the shared service is deployed to a single-cloud environment profile, only the one cloud group in the environment profile selected during deployment is shown. If the shared service is deployed to a multi-cloud environment profile and its virtual machines are placed across cloud groups in that profile, a list of cloud groups is shown.

    Certain shared services do not include virtual machines as part of their deployment; for example:
    • Exernal shared services like IBM Spectrum Scale
    • 0-VM deployment shared services like the middleware System Monitoring shared services

    When such shared services are deployed to single-cloud environment profiles, the cloud group selected during deployment, which is also the applicable scope of the shared service, is shown. When such shared services are deployed to a multi-cloud environment profile, no cloud groups are shown because there are no virtual machines and the scope is at the environment profile level.

    Running in environment profile
    Shows the environment profile, if any, that was used to deploy the shared service instance by providing a link to that profile. Click the link to display details for that environment profile.
    Pattern Details
    Expand to display the pattern details.
    Pattern type
    Shows the pattern type that the shared service instance was built from. Click Check for updates to see whether any upgrades are available. See the Related tasks section for information about updating shared service instances and installing fixes.
    From pattern
    Shows the pattern that the shared service instance was deployed from by providing a link to the pattern. Click the link to display details about the pattern.
    Applicable for environment profile(s)
    Shows a list of multi-cloud environment profiles when the shared service instance is available to clients. Click Add environment profile(s) to make the shared service available in additional environment profiles.
    Note: Applicable for environment profile(s) is available only when the shared service is deployed in a multi-cloud environment profile and supports availability in other multi-cloud environment profiles.
    Preview a list of organization profiles that are associated with the shared service instance. You can search for the profile you want from the list of available organization profiles and select the appropriate one. When needed, from the Actions column, you can delete the selected organization profile.
    Middleware perspective
    Shows the middleware that is running in the shared service instance. Expand the section to view details specific to that middleware. Note, the details provided will vary among the shared service instances.
    Virtual machine perspective
    Shows details for the virtual machines in the shared service instance, including health status, general information, operating system information, hardware, and network information.
    Shows the activity history for the shared service instance.