Known restrictions for the internal System Monitoring shared service

Be aware of the following known restrictions and limitations when using the internal System Monitoring shared service.

Direct changes to the hub monitoring server configuration can negatively impact its monitoring function

Do not use the itmcmd or tacmd CLI commands to directly change the configuration of hub Tivoli® Enterprise Monitoring Server in the shared service. Doing this can adversely affect the functioning of the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and can result in loss of monitoring function.

Monitoring agents and situations cannot be used externally

Monitoring agents that collect and display metrics data for the internal System Monitoring shared service cannot be registered with an external IBM® Tivoli Monitoring environment. The metrics data can only be displayed in the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal. Similarly, you must set and receive situations about the System Monitoring shared service on the product, not through an external environment.

Internal System Monitoring shared service management

Currently, the remote Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server or Hub Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server in the internal System Monitoring shared service cannot be managed by an external Hub or Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal Server . Instead, use the System Monitoring shared service deployed in external mode to connect to an external IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment.

Agents must be upgraded to the latest version

If you install agents outside of Cloud Pak System Software and they connect to a Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Server in Cloud Pak System Software, when you upgrade these agents, you must upgrade them to the latest version available, otherwise, problems might occur when you open the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal.

Install agents of the latest version

If you are installing agents outside of Cloud Pak System Software and then connecting them to a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server in Cloud Pak System Software, you must install agents of the latest version, otherwise, problems might occur when you open the Cloud Pak System Software Monitoring Portal.

Upgrade restrictions for System Monitoring shared service

This upgrade restriction applies to all scenarios that uplift System Monitoring shared service from V1.0.12.0 (or earlier) to V1.0.13.0 (or higher) and from V1.0.14.0 (or earlier) to V1.0.15.0 (or higher). For example:
  • V1.0.12.0 > V1.0.13.0 Not allowed
  • V1.0.12.0 > V1.0.14.0 Not allowed
  • V1.0.11.0 > V1.0.13.0 Not allowed
  • V1.0.10.0 > V1.0.15.0 Not allowed
  • V1.0.13.0 > V1.0.14.0 Allowed
  • V1.0.14.0 (or earlier) > V1.0.15.0 Not allowed
Important: Do not attempt to upgrade previous shared service instances to V1.0.13.0 or V1.0.15.0. Your shared service can become damaged and non-functional.

Upgrades that intend to uplift across the V1.0.12.0 > V1.0.13.0 boundary are not allowed. Crossing that boundary requires you to delete and redeploy the instance, which is a permanent restriction.