Sample: Building a single plug-in and pattern type with the command-line tools

You can create a plug-in and pattern type with the command-line tools.

Before you begin

This task assumes that you have the following installed:
  • The Ant build environment version 1.7.1 or higher.
  • A command-line environment like the UNIX console or Windows command-line interface.
  • A message format tool such as msgfmt (UNIX) or msgfmt.exe (Windows). Add the tool folder into the system path to ensure that you can start the tool without the full path.


  1. Go to the workspace that you created in the topic, Setting up the samples environment section.
  2. Go to the root folder of target plug-in project.
  3. Type this command to build a single plug-in:
    <ant command path> -f build.plugin.xml  
    The building information displays in the console.
  4. Go to the export folder of the plug-in project. This folder is generated by step 3.
    Locate the plug-in package, which is a .tgz file.
  5. Go to the root of the plugin.depends project.
  6. Type the following command to build all plug-ins in this workspace:
    <ant command path> -f build.xml
    This command builds the plug-ins in this workspace one at a time. After the script starts, go to the image/plugins folder of the plugin.depends project to check all of the built plug-in packages.
  7. Go to the root of the pattern type project, patterntypetest.hello, and type the following command:
    <ant command path> -f build.patterntype.xml
    After the script starts, go to the root of the export folder of the patterntypetest.hello project to check the built pattern type package, which is a .tgz file.