You can discover and manage storage and view various details
such as status, size, type, and usage and allocation of storage.
About this task
Cloud Pak System Software supports two types
of storage resources:
- A volume that has no partitions or formatting on it and can be accessed by a virtual machine
- Block storage
- A volume that has no partitions or formatting on it and can be accessed by a virtual machine
directly. Existing unattached block storage volumes can be used when deploying new virtual systems
and virtual applications.
The storage administrator and PowerVC administrator should work together
to provision storage to the Power® Virtualization Center (PowerVC)
environment managed by the Cloud Pak System Software
product. The storage administrator must create storage pools, and optionally create storage volumes
which will be discovered by Power Virtualization Center (PowerVC) and
the Cloud Pak System Software product. You can also use
the Cloud Pak System Software console interface to
create storage