Viewing machine activity reports

A diverse set of system usage reports is available to provide specific data for your planning purposes.

Before you begin

The system usage reports are used to track the physical and virtual resources that are used in the cloud. You can view all the reports as either a Cloud group administrator or as a Hardware administrator with Read-only access. However, when a report contains the name of a compute node, you must be assigned the Hardware administration role with permission to View hardware resources (Read-only) to click the compute node page and view the details of the compute node. When a report names a cloud group, IP group or  virtual machine, you must be assigned the Cloud group administration role with permission to View all cloud groups (Read-only) to click the name to view the details of that entity.

About this task

You can generate reports on virtual machine activity, storage, cloud groups, and compute nodes. There are various filters that you can use to provide specific information in the report table.


  1. Click Reports > Machine Activity.
  2. Click the report that you want to view.
    You can view the following reports:
    Allocation by cloud group
    This report shows data to track application resources, historic usage pattern, averages, and future trends of cloud groups. You can view resource allocations that are categorized by CPU, memory, and instances.
    Allocation by compute node
    This report shows historic usage patterns, averages, and future trends of CPU and memory use, and the associated cloud group of all compute nodes on the rack.  You can use the report to identify compute nodes that are not used at their capacity and also overloaded compute nodes. Resource allocations are categorized by CPU and memory.
    Note: The sum of the 30-day average for CPU or memory usage across all compute nodes might not equal to the sum of the 30-day average CPU or memory usage across all cloud groups. This difference appears because the cloud group averages might reflect usage by compute nodes that were deleted in the last 30 days and therefore do not appear in the current compute node report.
    IP usage by IP group
    This report shows the IP address usage by IP groups in the system. The IP usage by IP group report provides easy problem determination by filtering capabilities.
    Storage allocation by cloud group
    This report shows the storage allocation by cloud group in the system. You can quickly find resources that are allocated to an application and how critical it is in making business impact. If utilization is less than or higher than the prescribed limits of your organization, you can rebalance the CPU and memory utilization.
    For more information about the contents of this report, see the Related reference section.
    Virtual machine usage
    For more information about the contents of this report, see the Related reference section.

    Each report includes a filterable table and a graphical chart. The next steps explain how to filter the reports and read the graphic output.

    Note: Deleted VMs are displayed in the report with a state of Non-existent. They are removed from the report 30 days after the delete operation.
  3. Click the Column Name field and select a column name or start typing a column name.
  4. Click the Comparator field to select an operation.
  5. Click the Desired Value field and enter an appropriate value.
    For the Combine operation, this value is not needed and is ignored.
    The following list is the available comparator values that you can use to customize your reports:
    Starts with
    Use this operation to search for alphanumeric matches the specified starting characters with the specified column's value.
    Sample usage: To look for all production cloud groups: 'Cloud group starts with Prod'
    Does not start with
    Does the opposite of Starts with.
    Sample usage: To look for all non-active nodes: 'State does not start with Active'
    Use this operation to search for alphanumeric matches. Use the wildcard * to substitute any unknown characters.
    Sample usage:
    • To look for an exact match: 'Name equals Planner'
    • To look for starting match: 'Name equals Plan*'
    • To look for ending match: 'Name equals *lanner'
    • To look for containing match: 'Name equals *lan*'
    • To look for numeric match: 'Peak CPU equals 10'
    Does not equal
    Does the opposite of Equals.
    Sample usage: To look for containing match: 'Name does not equal *lan*' To look for a numeric match: 'CPU does not equal 10'
    Is blank
    Use this operation to search for items that are blank.
    Sample usage: 'Name is blank'
    Is not blank
    Use this operation to search for items that are not blank.
    Sample usage: 'Client Name is not blank'
    Greater than
    Use this operation to filter numeric columns that are greater than the value entered for the Desired Value field.
    Sample usage: 'Peak CPU greater than 10' 'Peak CPU > 10'
    Less than
    Use this operation to filter numeric columns that are less than the value entered for the Desired Value field.
    Sample usage: 'Peak CPU less than 10' 'Peak CPU < 10'
    Use this operation to sum numeric values for all the rows that contain a common element. For example, combining State on the Allocation By Compute Node shows total number of CPUs allocated for each state. When you use the Combine comparator, you need to enter only the column name. If you enter a Desired Value, it is ignored.
    Sample usage: 'State combine' 'Application combine'
  6. After the filter fields are updated, click Add to filter the list.
  7. Show and hide columns in the report by right-clicking the column header and selecting the check box for each column that you want displayed. If you log off or your session times out, the default view is displayed the next time you log in.