Durable Subscriptions attributes
The attributes provide durable subscriptions information.
The Durable Subscriptions attributes display overall statistics about the durable subscriptions of a selected topic.
A durable subscription can be used to preserve messages published on a topic while the subscriber is not active. The attributes within this group are used to build the Durable Subscriptions workspace.
- The attributes in this attribute group contain zeros for performance data if your site has set configuration value Resource Data Collection Method to On Demand (for on-demand sampling) and if you have not yet run applications that generate performance data. To report performance data in these attributes after installing and configuring the data collector, use the WebSphere® administrative console to set the appropriate PMI instrumentation level.
- The monitoring agent is set by default to provide on-demand sampling; thus the attributes within this attribute group initially contain zeros until you select the workspace and select it again later. Each time you select the workspace, these attributes are updated with the latest data.
- Attributes in this group are only provided forWebSphere Application Server Version 6 or later.
Aggregate Message Wait Time The time spent by messages in the bus at consumption. If this time is not what was expected, view the message using the admin console to decide what action needs to be taken. The valid format is a positive integer.
Aggregate Message Wait Time Count The count of times that were used for Aggregate Message Wait Time. The valid format is a 4-byte integer. If the number is too big to be stored, a value of -2 is used.
Assured Persistent Messages Consumed The number of Assured Persistent messages consumed, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. The valid format is a positive integer.
Available Message The number of messages waiting to be consumed. The valid format is a positive integer.
Best Effort Non-persistent Messages Consumed The number of best effort non-persistent messages consumed, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. The valid format is a positive integer.
Express® Non-persistent Messages Consumed The number of express non-persistent messages consumed, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. The valid format is a positive integer.
Instrumentation Level The instrumentation level for the Durable Subscriptions. For WebSphere Application Server Version 6 or later, the valid values are None, Basic, Extended, All, Custom. Blank if no instrumentation level is set.
Interval (sec) The length (in seconds) of the sampling interval. The valid format is a positive integer.
Local Oldest Message Age The longest time any message has spent on this subscription. If this time is not what was expected, view the message using the admin console to decide what action needs to be taken. The valid format is a positive integer.
Local Oldest Message Age Count The count of individual message ages that were used for Local Oldest Message Age. The valid format is a 4-byte integer. If the number is too big to be stored, a value of -2 is used.
Local Message Wait Time The time spent by messages on this durable subscription at consumption. If this time is not what was expected, view the message using the admin console to decide what action needs to be taken. The valid format is a positive integer.
Local Message Wait Time Count The count of times that were used for Local Message Wait Time. The valid format is a 4-byte integer. If the number is too big to be stored, a value of -2 is used.
Messaging Engine Name The name of the message engine. The value format is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of 256 characters.
Node Name The name of the system on which the server is running. The value format is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of 256 characters.
Origin Node The name of the server subnode. The valid format is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of 128 characters.
Reliable Non-persistent Messages Consumed The number of reliable non-persistent messages consumed, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. The valid format is a positive integer.
Reliable Persistent Messages Consumed The number of Reliable Persistent messages consumed, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. The valid format is a positive integer.
Sample Date and Time The date and time the monitoring agent collected the data. The valid format is a 12-character timestamp. For the STR and SCAN functions, the format is MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS; the following table shows the values contained in this character string.
Character String | Meaning |
MM | Month |
DD | Day |
YY | Year |
HH | Hour |
MM | Minute |
SS | Second |
Example: 09/13/06 18:32:03 indicates the data was collected on September 13 2006, at 18:32:03.
This attribute was designed for logging and reporting data-collection times rather than for creating situations. To specify a time and date for comparison and testing, use attributes from the Universal Time or Local Time groups.
Server Name The name of the application server. The valid format is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of 256 characters.
Subscription Name The name of the subscriptions. The valid format is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of 256 characters.
Summary Whether this row is a summary row of statistical totals for all rows. Valid values are No and Yes.
Topic Space Name The name of the topic space. The valid format is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of 256 characters.
Total Messages Consumed The total number of messages consumed from this durable subscription. The valid format is a positive integer.